Welcome to the South African Multilingual Philosophy Glossary.

This is an Open Education Resource that has been created thanks to a generous fellowship from the Chair on Multimodal Learning and Open Educational Resources (OER) at the North West University (NWU). The aim of this glossary is fairly simple: to make terms and definitions accessible to South African philosophy students in their mother tongue.

Currently, the glossary is available in four languages: English, Setswana, isiZulu and Afrikaans. The goal is to, eventually, have the terms translated into all eleven official languages. There are about 115 terms, and the hope is to expand this as well.































a priori

A belief, proposition or argument if its truth can be known independently of observation. Definitions, arithmetic and the principles of logic are usually held to be a priori.



inkolelo, isiphakamiso noma ukuveza uvo ngeqiniso elingatholakala ngokuzimele noma ngokuhlolisisa. Izincazelo, izibalo kanye nemigomo yokucabanga okuvame ukubizwa nge-aphriyori.


kitso ntle le Maitemogelo

kitso e e bapetsweng ka lebaka fela, e e sa tlhokeng go lekelediwa/e e sa tlhokeng maitemogelo a lefatshe.


a priori

ʼn oortuiging, standpunt of argument indien die waarheid daarvan onafhanklik van waarneming vasgestel kan word. Definisies, rekenkunde en die beginsels van die logika word gewoonlik as a priori beskou.



a posteriori

A belief, proposition or argument if its truth can be established only through observation.




inkolelo, isiphakamiso, noma ukuveza uvo uma okuyiqiniso kungakaqinisekiswa ngokucutshungulwa.


kitso ka Maitemogelo

kitso e e bapetsweng go ya ka maitemogelo a lefatshe.


a posteriori

Kennis wat verkry word deur ‘n oortuiging, standpunt of argument, indien die waarheid daarvan slegs deur waarneming vasgestel kan word.



an unselfish interest in helping someone else or simply behaviour that benefits someone else while affecting the actor detrimentally or neutrally. The former type of altruism is a motivation that emphasises the welfare of others while minimising the actor’s benefits.


ukunikela kokuzilimaza

ukuba nokulangazelela ukusiza omunye umuntu noma indlela yokwenza esiza omunye umuntu ngenkathi lowo osiza ebe elimala noma engazuzi lutho. Lolu hlobo lokuqala lokuzinikela lungukugqugquzeleka okugcizelela inhalonhle yabanye ngesikhathi kwehla inzuzo kulowo owenza lokhu.




‘n onbaatsugtige belang om iemand anders te help, of bloot gedrag wat iemand anders bevoordeel terwyl dit die dader nadelig of neutraal beïnvloed. Eersgenoemde tipe altruïsme is ‘n motivering wat die welsyn van andere voorop stel, terwyl die dader se voordele op die agtergrond geskuif word.



In the philosophical literature, the term “abduction” is used in two related but different senses. In both senses, the term refers to some form of explanatory reasoning. However, in the historically first sense, it refers to the place of explanatory reasoning in generating hypotheses, while in the sense in which it is used most frequently in the modern literature it refers to the place of explanatory reasoning in justifying hypotheses. (From https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/abduction/)


Ezincwadini zefilosofi, igama elithi “abduction” lisetshenziswa emiqondweni emibili ehlobene kodwa ehlukile. Kuyo yomibili imiqondo, leli gama libhekisela esimweni esithile sokucabanga okuchazayo. Nokho, emqondweni wokuqala ongokomlando, libhekisela endaweni yokucabanga okuchazayo ekwakheni imibono, kuyilapho emqondweni elivame ukusetshenziswa kuwo kakhulu ezincwadini zamanje libhekisela endaweni yokucabanga okuchazayo okufakazela imibono.



mo pading ya filosofi, lereo la “tshwetso-tshedimosetso” le dirisiwa go ya ka megopolo e mebedi e e amanang ka tsela nngwe mme e sa tshwane. Mo megopolong eo e mebedi, lereo leno le raya lebaka lengwe le le nang le tlhaloso. Le fa go ntse jalo, mo kgopolong ya ntlha ya lone mo hisitoring, e lebisa go mabaka a a nang le tlhaloso a a bakang tiragalo e go tshwanetseng ga dirwa ditekeletso ka yone,  fa kgopolo e le dirisiwang  gantsi thata ka yone mo pading ya segompieno e lebisa go mabaka a a nang le tlhaloso a a tshegetsang lebaka la tiragalo e go tshwanetseng ga dirwa ditekeletso ka yone.



In die filosofiese literatuur word die term “abduksie” in twee verwante, maar verskillende betekenisse gebruik. In beide betekenisse verwys die term na ʼn vorm van verklarende redenasie. In die histories eerste betekenis verwys dit egter na die plek van verklarende redenasie in die generering van hipoteses, terwyl dit in die betekenis waarin dit die meeste in die moderne literatuur gebruik word, verwys na die plek van verklarende redenasie in die regverdiging van hipoteses.



In philosophy, the concept “aesthetic” can refer to objects or things, but also to a kind of experience, a judgment or attitude, and a kind of value. Aesthetics asks questions about the nature of value; the perceptual basis of aesthetic judgments; how to conceive of the relation between aesthetic value and aesthetic experience; and so on.


Kufilosofi, umqondo othi “aesthetic” ungabhekisela ezintweni eziphathekayo noma izinto, kodwa futhi nasohlotsheni oluthile lwesipiliyoni, isahlulelo noma isimo sengqondo, kanye nohlobo oluthile lokubaluleka. Ama-aesthetics abuza imibuzo ngohlobo lokubaluleka; isisekelo somqondo wezahlulelo zama-aesthetics; indlela yokuqonda ubuhlobo obuphakathi kokubaluleka kwama-aesthetics kanye nesipiliyoni sama-aesthetics; nokunye.



Mo filosofing, kgopolo ya “thuto-bontle” e ka raya dilo tse di sa tsheleng tse di kgonang go tshwarwa kgotsa dilo ka kakaretso, mme gape e raya mofuta wa maitemogelo, go dira ditshwetso kgotsa maikutlo, le mofuta wa boleng. Thuto-bontle e botsa dipotso ka mofuta wa boleng; ditshwetso ka bontle tse di theilweng mo maikutlong; tsela ya go tlhaloganya kamano fa gare ga boleng jwa bontle le maitemogelo a bontle; jalo le jalo.



In die filosofie kan die begrip “estetika” verwys na voorwerpe of dinge, maar ook na ʼn soort ervaring, ʼn oordeel of houding, en ʼn soort waarde. Estetika stel vrae oor die aard van waarde; die perseptuele basis van estetiese oordele; hoe om die verband tussen estetiese waarde en estetiese ervaring te verstaan; ens.



The belief that people have a moral obligation to serve others or the “greater good”. It is generally opposed to the concepts of self-interest and egoism.


Inkolelo yokuthi abantu banesibopho sokuziphatha sokukhonza abanye noma ukwenza “okuhle kakhulu”. Ngokuvamile imelene nemiqondo yokuzibhekelela wena siqu kanye nemfanelo yokuzikhukhumeza.


tshwenyego ka boitumelo jwa ba bangwe

Tumelo ya gore ka tlhago batho ba patelesega go direla ba bangwe kgotsa go ba direla “molemo o mogolo”. Seno gantsi se thulana le dikgopolo tsa go iteba wena fela le boikgodiso.



Die oortuiging dat mense ʼn morele verpligting het om ander of “iets groters” te dien. Dit staan gewoonlik teenoor die konsepte van eiebelang en egoïsme.



Anarchism is a political theory that advocates for individual and collective freedom, solidarity, mutual aid, direct action and egalitarianism. It is against all forms of domination, exploitation, oppression and discrimation, such as patriarchy, classism and racism. It is also explicitly anti-statist and anti-capitalist.



I-anarchism yimfundiso engokwepolitiki ekhuthaza inkululeko yomuntu ngamunye neyeqembu, ukuba munye, ukusizana, ukuthatha isinyathelo ngokuqondile kanye nemfundiso yokuthi bonke abantu bayalingana. Imelene nazo zonke izinhlobo zokubuswa, ukuxhashazwa, ukucindezelwa kanye nokucwaswa, njengokuholwa ngabesilisa, ukuhlukaniswa ngezigaba nokubandlululwa ngohlanga.


tiro ntle le Puso

Tiro ntle le puso ke kgopolo ya sepolotiki ya batho ka nosi le kgololesego ya setlhopha, boseoposengwe, go thusana, go tsaya kgato ka tlhamalalo le tekatekano. E kgatlhanong le bokgokgontshi jwa mefuta yotlhe, go ja batho ntsoma, kgatelelo le tlhaolele, jaaka go busa ga banna ba bagolo fela, go tlhaola batho ka maemo a bone le lotso. Gape e ganana le taolo ya sepolotiki le go tsenwa gare ga dikgwebo ke puso.



Anargisme is ʼn politieke teorie wat pleit vir individuele en kollektiewe vryheid, solidariteit, wedersydse hulpverlening, direkte optrede en egalitarisme. Dit is teen alle vorme van oorheersing, uitbuiting, onderdrukking en diskriminasie, soos patriargie, klassisme en rassisme. Dit is ook eksplisiet anti-staats en anti-kapitalisties.



Archaeology is a method developed by French philosopher, Michel Foucault, which seeks to understand the conditions from which discourses and other practices emerge. In particular it is aimed at describing the rules and regularities that systematize reality and how reality is perceived to function which, in turn, constrains the production of subjectivity.



I-Archaeology yindlela eyasungulwa yisazi sefilosofi esingumFulentshi, uMichel Foucault, efuna ukuqonda izimo okuvela kuzo izinkulumo neminye imikhuba. Ikakhulukazi ihloselwe ukuchaza imithetho neziqondiso okwenza isimo ezingokoqobo sihleleke kanye nendlela okubonakala sisebenza ngayo isimo ezingokoqobo, okuthi naso, sivimbele ukwakheka kombono osengqondweni.



Boithutamarope ke mokgwa o o tlhamilweng ke mofilosofara wa Mo-Fora, e leng Michel Foucault, jo boikaelelo jwa jone e leng go tlhaloganya maemo a dipuisano ka tsa filosofi le mekgwa e mengwe di tlhagisiwang ke one. Boikaelelo jwa jone segolobogolo ke go tlhalosa melao le maemo a ka gale ao a tlhalosang bommatota jwa dilo ka go ntsha bosupi  le ka fa go bolelwang gore bommatota jwa dilo bo dira jang , jo ka go dira jalo, bo thibelang gore ope a se ka a tla ka dikgopolo tsa gagwe fela tsa botho.



Argeologie is ʼn metode wat ontwikkel is deur die Franse filosoof, Michel Foucault, wat probeer om die omstandighede te verstaan waaruit diskoerse en ander praktyke ontstaan. Dit is veral daarop gemik om die reëls en gereeldhede te beskryf wat die werklikheid sistematiseer, en hoe die werklikheid funksioneer, wat weer die produksie van subjektiwiteit beperk.


Aristotelianism/ neo-Aristotelianism

The philosophical tradition that takes its defining inspiration from the work of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.


Isiko lefilosofi elishukunyiselwa ngumsebenzi wefilosofa yomGriki yasendulo u-Aristotle, okuyiwona olichazayo.


balatedi ba ga Aristotel/ baema-kgatlhanong le -Aristotel

Tlwaelo ya filosofi e thotloetso ya yone e tswang mo tirong ya ga Aristotel, mofilosofara wa bogologolo wa Mogerika.


Aristotelianisme/ neo-Aristotelianisme

Die filosofiese tradisie wat sy definiërende inspirasie ontneem aan die werk van die antieke Griekse filosoof Aristoteles.



The absence of belief in the existence of God or gods. This includes both those who assert that there are no gods and those who maintain no beliefs at all regarding the existence of gods.

Atheism is contrasted with theism; a condition of being without theistic beliefs.


Ukungabikho kwenkolelo yokuthi ukhona uNkulunkulu noma onkulunkulu. Lokhu kuhlanganisa kokubili labo abaqinisa ngokuthi abekho onkulunkulu kanye nalabo abangenazo nhlobo izinkolelo ezimayelana nokuba khona konkulunkulu.

I-atheism yehlukile ku-theism; isimo sokungabinazo izinkolelo zokuthi ukhona uNkulunkulu noma onkulunkulu.



Go sa dumele bogone jwa Modimo kgotsa medimo. Bo akaretsa ba ba gatelelang gore ga go na medimo le ba ba salang ba sena tumelo epe ka ga bogone jwa medimo.

Bolatolamodimo bo farologanngwa le bogogone jwa modimo; boemo jwa go se nne le ditumelo tsa gore modimo ga a yo.



Die afwesigheid van geloof in die bestaan van God of gode. Dit sluit in diegene wat beweer dat daar geen gode is nie, sowel as diegene wat geen oortuigings het oor die bestaan van gode nie.

Ateïsme staan teenoor teïsme; ʼn toestand van geen teïstiese oortuigings.



The theory that all objects in the Universe are composed of very small, indestructible elements called atoms. (This is the case for the Western [i.e., Greek] theories of atomism. Buddhists also have well-developed theories of atomism, which involve momentary, or non-eternal, atoms, that flash in and out of existence).


Imfundiso yokuthi zonke izinto ezisendaweni yonke zakhiwa yizinhlayiyana ezincane kakhulu, ezingabhubhiseki ezibizwa ngokuthi ngama-athomu. (Kunjalo ngezimfundiso zaseNtshonalanga [okusho, ezamaGriki] ze-atomism. AmaBuddha nawo anezimfundiso ezithuthuke kakhulu ze-atomism, ezibandakanya ama-athomu aba khona isikhashana, noma angahlali phakade, aba khona abuye angabi bikho).



Kgopolo ya gore dilo tsotlhe mo lebopong di na le dikarolwana tse di nnye, tse di sa senyeng tse di bidiwang diatomo. (Eno ke nngwe ya dikgopolo tsa Dinaga Tsa Bophirima [ke gore, Bagerika] ka ga boatomo. Babuda le bone ba na le dikgopolo tsa bone tse dikgolo ka ga boatomo, tse di akaretsang diatomo tsa nakwana, kgotsa tse e seng tsa bosakhutleng, tse bogone jwa tsone bo tsenang le go tswa).



Die teorie dat alle voorwerpe in die Heelal uit baie klein, onvernietigbare elemente genaamd atome bestaan. (Dit is die geval vir die Westerse [d.w.s. Griekse] teorieë van atomisme. Boeddhiste het ook goed ontwikkelde teorieë oor atomisme, wat kortstondige of nie-ewige atome behels wat in en uit eksistensie flits.)



Individual autonomy is an idea that is generally understood to refer to the capacity to be one’s own person, to live one’s life according to reasons and motives that are taken as one’s own and not the product of manipulative or distorting external forces, to be in this way independent. (from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/autonomy-moral/)


Ukuzilawula komuntu ngamunye ngumbono ngokuvamile oqondwa njengobhekisela ekhonweni lokukwazi ukuba nguwe uqobo, ukuphila ukuphila kwakho ngokwezizathu nezisusa ozithathela zona wena ngokwakho futhi ezingewona umphumela wamandla angaphandle athonyayo noma adukisayo, ukuba kule ndlela ngokuzimele.


Ikemetseng ka Nosi

“Go ikemela ka nosi ga motho gantsi ke kgopolo e e tlhaloganngwang jaaka e e rayang bokgoni jwa motho jwa go nna mong wa gagwe ka boene, go tshela botshelo jwa gagwe  go ya ka mabaka le maitlhomo a a tsewang jaaka a gagwe kanamana mme e seng ao a a pateleditsweng kgotsa a e leng ba tlhotlheletse e e sa siamang e e tswang kwa ntle, gore a nne a ikemetseng ka nosi jaana.”



Individuele outonomie is ʼn idee wat verwys na die vermoë om jou eie persoon te wees, om jou lewe te leef volgens redes en motiewe wat as jou eie beskou word, en nie die produk van manipulerende of verwringende eksterne kragte nie, om op hierdie manier onafhanklik te wees.



Bioethics is commonly understood to refer to the ethical implications and applications of the health-related life sciences.



I-bioethics ngokuvamile iqondwa njengebhekisela emiphumeleni yokuziphatha kanye nokusetshenziswa kwesayensi yokuphila ehlobene nempilo.



Boithutatsamaisosentle gantsi bo tlhaloganngwa jaaka jo bo kayang mathata ka tsa tsamaiso-sentle le tiriso ya disaense tsa botshelo tse di amanang le pholo.



Bioetiek verwys na die etiese implikasies en toepassings van die gesondheidsverwante lewenswetenskappe.



Biopower describes the manner in which biopolitics is deployed within a society, which is as a power of regulation. This is accomplished through various techniques,  such as national security, social statisticalization, national health policies, and so on. The aim of biopolitics is the effective administration of society through a style of government  that applies political power in all spheres of life.



I-biopower ichaza indlela i-biopolitics esetshenziswa ngayo emphakathini, okuwukuthi njengamandla okuqondisa izinto. Lokhu kufezwa ngamasu ahlukahlukene, njengezokulondeka kukazwelonke, ukusetshenziswa kwezibalo zomphakathi, amapholisi ezempilo kazwelonke, nokunye. Umgomo we-biopolitics wukuphatha umphakathi ngokuphumelelayo ngendlela yokubusa esebenzisa amandla epolitiki kuyo yonke imikhakha yokuphila.


Taolo ya Batho

Taolo ya batho e tlhalosa mokgwa o ka one batho le bopolotiki di dirisiwang ka teng mo setšhabeng, jaaka maatla a go ba laola. Seno se dirwa ka mekgwa e e farologaneng ya setegteniki, jaaka ka tshireletsego ya naga, go bala palo ya batho mo loagong, dipholisi tsa pholo ya bosetšhaba, jalo le jalo. Boikaelelo jwa batho le bopolotiki ke tsamaiso e e mosola ya batho mo loagong ka mokgwa wa puso e e dirisang maatla a sepolotiki mo maemong otlhe a botshelo.



Biomag beskryf die manier waarop biopolitiek binne ʼn samelewing ontplooi word, as ʼn mag van regulasie. Dit word bereik deur verskillende tegnieke, soos nasionale veiligheid, sosiale statistikalisering, nasionale gesondheidsbeleid, ens. Die doel van biopolitiek is die doeltreffende administrasie van die samelewing deur middel van ʼn regeringstyl wat politieke mag op alle lewensterreine toepas.



An economic system in which all or most of the means of production are privately owned and operated (usually through employing wage labour, and for profit), and in which the investment of capital and the production, distribution and prices of commodities and services are determined mainly in a free market.


Isimiso somnotho lapho zonke noma iningi lezindlela zokukhiqiza zingezabanikazi abazimele futhi ziqhutshwa (ngokuvamile ngokuqasha izisebenzi eziholelwayo, futhi ngenjongo yokuthola inzuzo), futhi lapho ukutshalwa kwekhephithali kanye nomkhiqizo, ukusabalaliswa kanye nentengo yezimpahla kanye namasevisi kunqunywa ngokuyinhloko emakethe ekhululekile.


Bokapitale/ Mokapitale

Tsamaiso ya ikonomi e mo go yone mekgwa yotlhe kgotsa bontsi jwa mekgwa ya tlhagiso-dikumo e leng jo bo nang le beng ba yone e bile bo dirisiwa ke bone fela (gantsi ka go thapa badiri ba ba duelwang megolo, le go bona dipoelotsa tsa madi), e gape mo go yone dipeeletsomadi le tlhagiso-dikumo, kanamiso ya dikumo le ditlhwatlhwa tsa dithoto le ditirelo di tlhotlhomisiwang mo mmarakeng o barekisi le bareki ba ipeelang ditlhwatlhwa.



ʼn Ekonomiese stelsel waar alle (of die meeste) produksiemiddele privaat besit en bedryf word (gewoonlik deur loonarbeid en met ʼn winsoogmerk), en waar die investering van kapitaal en die produksie, verspreiding en pryse van kommoditeite en dienste hoofsaaklik in ʼn vrye mark bepaal word.



A philosophy based on the ideas and works of the French philosopher René Descartes.


Ifilosofi esekelwe emiqondweni nasemisebenzini yefilosofa engumFulentshi uRené Descartes


Dikgopolo tsa ga Descartes

Filosofi e e theilweng mo dikgopolong le mo ditirong tsa mofilosofara wa M-Fora e leng René Descartes.



ʼn Filosofie gebaseer op die idees en werke van die Franse filosoof René Descartes.




Sebako le Ditlamorago

Kamano fa gare ga ditiragalo tse pedi tsa nakwana tsa ka nako e le nngwe kgotsa tse di atlegileng fa tiragalo ya ntlha (sebako) e baka e nngwe (ditlamorago).




A theoretical system of social organisation and a political movement based on common ownership of the means of production. Politically, communism seeks to establish a classless society. Modern communism is generally associated with The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.


Isimiso esingokwemfundiso senhlangano yezenhlalo kanye nenhlangano yepolitiki esekelwe ekutheni zingabanikazi bomkhiqizo. Ngokwepolitiki, ubukhomanisi bufuna ukumisa umphakathi ongahlukanisiwe ngezigaba. Ubukhomanisi besimanje ngokuvamile buhlotshaniswa ne-Manifesto YobuKhomanisi kaKarl Marx noFriedrich Engels.



Tsamaiso e e ikgopoletsweng ya thulaganyo ya loago le ya mokgatlho wa sepolotiki e e theilweng mo tlhakanelong ya tlhagiso-dikumo. Mo dipolotiking, bokomonisi bo batla go tlhoma bopa setšhaba se se senang makgaoganyane a ditlhopha. Bokomonisi jwa segompieno gantsi bo amanngwa le Maikaelelo a Bokomonisi a ga Karl Marx le Friedrich Engels.



ʼn Teoretiese stelsel van maatskaplike organisasie en ʼn politieke beweging gebaseer op gemeenskaplike eienaarskap van die produksiemiddele. Polities poog kommunisme om ʼn klaslose samelewing tot stand te bring. Moderne kommunisme word gewoonlik geassosieer met Die Kommunistiese Manifes van Karl Marx en Friedrich Engels



The belief that what ultimately matters in evaluating actions or policies of action are the consequences that result from choosing one action or policy rather than the alternative.


Inkolelo yokuthi into ebalulekile ekugcineni ekuhlaziyeni izenzo noma amapholisi esenzo yimiphumela evela ekukhetheni isenzo esithile noma ipholisi kunokukhetha lokhu okunye.


Ditlamorago di Atlholwa fa di Direga

Tumelo ya gore se kwa bofelong se leng botlhokwa fa go sekasekwa se se diriweng kgotsa dipholisi tsa tiro ke ditlamorago tse di nnang gone ka ntlha ya go tlhopha go dira sengwe kgotsa pholisi mo boemong jwa sengwe se sele.



Die oortuiging dat dit wat uiteindelik saak maak in die evaluering van optrede of beleide, die gevolge is van die keuse van één optrede of beleid eerder as die alternatief.



Cosmology is the study of the physical universe. Philosophy of cosmology deals with two issues. First, the uniqueness of the Universe: there exists only one universe, so there is nothing else similar to compare it with, and the idea of “Laws of the universe” hardly makes sense. Second, cosmology deals with the physical situation that is the context in the large for human existence: the universe has such a nature that our life is possible.



I-cosmology wucwaningo lwendawo yonke engokoqobo. Ifilosofi ye-cosmology iphathelene namaphuzu amabili. Okokuqala, ukuba yingqayizivele kweNdawo Yonke: iNdawo Yonke ekhona iyodwa kuphela, ngakho ayikho enye into efana nayo engaqhathaniswa nayo, futhi umqondo wokuthi “kuneMithetho yendawo yonke” awunangqondo. Okwesibili, i-cosmology iphathelene nesimo ezingokoqobo ngokuyinhloko esingumongo wokuba khona kwabantu: indawo yonke iyisimo esenza ukuba ukuphila kwethu kwenzeke.



Boithutalobopo ke go ithuta ka lobopo. Filosofi ya boithutalobopo e tlotla ka dilo tse pedi. Sa ntlha, ka fa Lobopo lo tlhomologileng ka gone: go na le lobopo le le lengwe fela, ka jalo ga go na sepe se sengwe se se tshwanang le lone se se ka bapisiwang le lone, mme kgopolo ya “Melao ya lobopo” ga e tlhaloganyege gotlhelele. Sa bobedi, boithutalobopo bo amana le dilo tsa mmatota tse di jaaka batho ba ba leng teng: lobopo lo bopegile ka tsela e e dirang gore botshelo mo go lone bo kgonege.



Kosmologie is die studie van die fisiese heelal. Filosofie van kosmologie handel oor twee kwessies. Eerstens, die unieke aard van die heelal: daar bestaan slegs een heelal, daar is dus niks anders om dit mee te vergelyk nie, en die idee van “Wette van die heelal” maak nie eintlik sin nie. Tweedens handel kosmologie oor die fisiese situasie wat grootliks die konteks vir die menslike bestaan is: die heelal is van so ʼn aard dat ons lewe moontlik is.




Kgopolo e e Botlhokwa ya Lotso

“Critical Race Theory (CRT) ke mokgatlho wa batlhalefi le thulaganyo e e rulagantsweng ya ditshekatsheko tsa semolao tse di theilweng mo kgopolo ya gore lotso ga se setlhopha-potlana sa tlhago, sa batho ba ba tshelang ba ba tlhomologileng ka popego ya bone mme ke setlhopha se se agilweng mo loagong (se se tlhamilweng go ya ka setso) se se neng se tle se gatelele le go sotla batho bantsho.”



critical thinking

Critical thinking is the process of using and assessing reasons to evaluate statements, assumptions, and arguments in ordinary situations. The goal of this process is to help us have good beliefs, where “good” means that our beliefs meet certain goals of thought, such as truth, usefulness, or rationality.


Ukucabangisisa Ngendlela Ecubungulayo kuyinqubo yokusebenzisa nokuhlola izizathu ukuze uhlaziye izinkulumo, izinto ezicatshangelwayo, namaphuzu ezimweni ezivamile. Umgomo wale nqubo uwukusisiza ukuba sibe nezinkolelo ezinhle, lapho igama elithi “ezinhle” lisho ukuthi izinkolelo zethu ziyahlangabezana nemigomo yethu ethile yomcabango, njengento eyiqiniso, ukuba yinzuzo, noma ukuba nengqondo.


Tsela e e Tseneletseng ya Go Akanya

Tsela e e tseneletseng ya go akanya ke thulaganyo ya go dirisa le go sekaseka mabaka go boemo jwa dipolelo, diphopholetso, le dikganetsano mo maemong a a tlwaelegileng fela. Mokgele wa thulaganyo eno ke go re thusa go nna le ditumelo tse di siameng, tse mo go tsone “siameng” e kayang gore ditumelo tsa rona di fitlhelela mekgele e e rileng ya go akanya, jaaka boammaaruri, bomosola, le mabaka.


kritiese denke

Kritiese denke is die proses om redes te gebruik en te beoordeel om stellings, aannames en argumente in gewone situasies te evalueer. Die doel van hierdie proses is om ons te help om goeie oortuigings te hê, waar ‘goed’ beteken dat ons oortuigings aan sekere denkdoelwitte voldoen, soos waarheid, bruikbaarheid, of rasionaliteit.



Unlike many calls for decoloniality which seek (often uncritically) to  return us to an earlier period of precolonial magnificence by reversing the impacts of colonialism and capitalism, decolonization is aimed at the creation of alternative planetary futures by foregrounding and affirming expressions of self-determination and forms of representation alienated by the colonial project. As such, decolonization may be seen as the varied attempts to address and change systemic and structural issues related to, especially, race, ethnicity and gender, rather than merely addressing more visible concerns such as constitutional and legal rights and support, though these form part of the project


Ngokungafani nobizo lwabaningi lokuba kuqedwe imikhuba yokwenza amakoloni (ukulawula abantu bomdabu bamanye amazwe) olufuna ukusibuyisela enkathini yaphambilini yobuhle benkathi yangaphambi kokwenza amakoloni ngokuhlehlisa imiphumela yesimiso sokwenziwa kwamakoloni kanye nesimiso lapho umnotho wezwe ulawulwa khona yizinkampane ezizimele, ukuqedwa kokwenziwa kwamakoloni kuhloswe ngakho ukwakha ikusasa elihlukile lale mbulunga ngokugqamisa nokuqinisekisa izinkulumo zokuzimisela kanye nezinhlobo zokumelelwa ezahlukaniswa ezahlukaniswa ngumsebenzi wokwenziwa kwamakoloni. Njengoba kunjalo, ukuqedwa kokwenziwa kwamakoloni kungase kubhekwe njengemizamo ehlukahlukene yokulungisa nokushintsha izinkinga zesimiso nezohlaka ezihlobene, ikakhulukazi, nohlanga, ubuzwe nobulili, kunokumane nje kulungiswe izinkinga ezibonakala kalula, njengamalungelo angokomthethosisekelo nangokomthetho nokusekelwa, nakuba nalezi zinto ziyingxenye yalo msebenzi.


Phediso-bokolone / Go tlosa bokolone

Go farologana le mekgosi e le mentsi ya go fedisa bokolone e boikaelelo jwa yone (jo gantsi bo sa tshwaiweng diphoso) e leng go re busetsa kwa nakong ya bogologolo ya pele ga bokolone ka go busetsa morago ditlamorago tsa bokolone le bokapitale, boikaelelo jwa go tlosa bokolone ke go tlhama diisagwe tsa polanete ka go bua le go netefatsa mafoko a go itlhaola le mefuta ya kemedi e e  kgapetshweng kwa thoko ke porojeke ya bokolone. Ka ntlha ya moo, go tlisiwa ga bokolone go ka nna ga lejwa e le maiteko a a farologaneng a go rarabolola le go fetola tsamaiso mmogo le thulaganyo ya kago e e amanang le, segolobogolo, lotso, bomorafe le bong, mo boemong jwa go rarabolola fela matshwenyego a a bonalang thata a a jaaka a ditshwanelo tsa molaotheo le ditshwanelo tsa semolao, le fa tsone e le karolo ya porojeke.


dekolonialiteit / dekolonisering

Anders as baie oproepe tot dekolonialiteit wat (dikwels onkrities) poog om ons te laat terugkeer na ʼn vroeëre tydperk van prekoloniale glorie deur die gevolge van kolonialisme en kapitalisme om te keer, is dekolonisering daarop gemik om ʼn alternatiewe planetêre toekoms te skep deur die klem te plaas op uitdrukkings van selfbeskikking en verteenwoordigingsvorme wat deur die koloniale projek vervreem is. As sodanig kan dekolonisering gesien word as die uiteenlopende pogings om sistemiese en strukturele kwessies rondom veral ras, etnisiteit en geslag aan te spreek en te verander, eerder as om bloot werk te maak van meer sigbare kwessies soos grondwetlike en wetlike regte en ondersteuning, hoewel dit deel vorm van die projek.



A deductive argument is an argument whose conclusion is supposed to follow from its premises with absolute certainty, thus leaving no possibility that the conclusion doesn’t follow from the premises.


I-deductive argument yiphuzu isiphetho salo okumelwe silandele izizathu zalo ngokuqiniseka okukhulu, kanjalo kungasali ithuba lokuba isiphetho singalandeli izizathu.


Go ntsha Bosupi

Ngangisano ya go ntsha bosupi ke ngangisano e tshwetso ya yone e tshwanetseng go ikaega ka se se diregileng ka tlhomamo, ka go dira jalo e sa tlogele pelaelo ka gope ya gore tshwetso e dirwa go ya ka maitemogelo a se se diregileng.



ʼn Deduktiewe argument is ʼn argument waarvan die gevolgtrekking veronderstel is om met absolute sekerheid uit die veronderstelling voort te vloei, en dus geen moontlikheid te laat dat die gevolgtrekking nié uit die veronderstelling voortvloei nie.



An ethical theory considered solely on duty and rights, where one has an unchanging moral obligation to abide by a set of defined principles. The ends of any action never justify the means in this ethical system. Deontology is often contrasted with consequentialism/utilitarianism.


Imfundiso yokuziphatha esekelwe kuphela esibophweni nasemalungelweni, lapho umuntu ebopheke ngokungaguquki ukuba aphile ngezimiso ezithile ezinqunyiwe. Imiphumela yanoma yisiphi isenzo ayenzi indlela umuntu enze ngayo ifaneleke kulesi simiso sokuziphatha. I-deontology ngokuvamile iqhathaniswa ne-consequentialism/utilitarianism.


Kgopolo ya se se Siameng le se se sa Siamang

Kgopolo ya tsamaiso-sentle e e lejwang e le ka ga maikarabelo le ditshwanelo, e mo go yone motho a sa fetoleng maikarabelo a gagwe go ya ka melaometheo e e tlhalosiwang. Diphelelo tsa tiro epe ga di ke di tsewa gore di siame mo tsamaisong eno ya tsamaiso-sentle. Kgopolo ya  se se siameng le se se sa siamang gantsi e farologanngwa le go atlhola ditlamorago fa di direga.



ʼn Etiese teorie wat slegs op plig en regte berus, waar ʼn mens ʼn onveranderlike morele verpligting het om aan ʼn stel gedefinieerde beginsels te voldoen. In hierdie etiese stelsel regverdig die doel nooit die middele nie. Deontologie staan dikwels teenoor konsekwensialisme/utilitarisme.



The philosophical proposition that every event, including human cognition, decision, and action, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences.


Isihlongozo esingokwefilosofi sokuthi isenzakalo ngasinye, kuhlanganisa nokuqaphela izinto komuntu, isinqumo, nesenzo, kunqunywa nje wuchungechunge olunganqamukile lwezenzakalo zaphambilini.


Tshwetso go sa le gale

Tshitshinyo ya filosofi ya gore phelelo ya tiragalo nngwe le nngwe, go akaretsa le go dirisa tlhaloganyo ga motho, go dira tshwetso, go tsaya kgato, e setse e sweditswe ke mogolagang wa ditiragalo tse di tlileng pele ga yone.



Die filosofiese proposisie dat elke gebeurtenis, met inbegrip van menslike kognisie, besluit en optrede, oorsaaklik bepaal word deur ʼn ononderbroke ketting van vorige gebeurtenisse.



Dualism refers to the mind-body problem according to which mental properties are not viewed as physical properties. In other words, the mind is not viewed as embodied.



I-dualism ibhekisela enkingeni yomqondo nomzimba okuthi ngayo izici zengqondo azibhekwa njengezici ezingokoqobo. Ngamanye amazwi, umqondo awubhekwa njengohlanganisiwe lapho.



Karolopedi e lebisitse go bothata jwa monagano le mmele jwa gore dipharologantsho tsa tlhaloganyo ga di lejwe jaaka tsa mmele. Ka mafoko a mangwe, monagano ga o lejwe e le karolo ya mmele.



Dualisme verwys na die gees-liggaam-probleem waarvolgens geestelike eienskappe nie as fisiese eienskappe beskou word nie. Met ander woorde, die verstand/gees word nie as beliggaam beskou nie.



Either a descriptive theory that maintains all conscious acts ultimately concern promoting one’s self-interest, or a normative theory that maintains one should pursue one’s self-interest.


Kungaba yimfundiso echazayo egcizelela ukuthi zonke izenzo ozenza usangulukile ekugcineni ziphathelene nokukhuthaza izinto ezizuzisa umuntu uqobo, noma imfundiso yezimiso zokulungile nokungalungile egcizelela ukuthi umuntu kufanele aphishekele izinto ezizuzisa yena uqobo.



E ka tswa e le kgopolo e e nang le tlhaloso ya boikutlo jotlhe jo motho a nang le jone jo kwa bofelong bo rotloetsang go ikgatlhegela ka nosi, kgotsa kgopolo ya melawana e e rileng ya boitshwaro e e gatelelang gore motho o tshwanetse go gagamalela go ikgatlhegela ka nosi.



Óf ʼn beskrywende teorie wat beweer dat alle bewuste handelinge uiteindelik oor die bevordering van eiebelang gaan, óf ʼn normatiewe teorie wat beweer dat ʼn mens sy eie belang moet nastreef.



Empiricism emphasises the importance of sensory experience (i.e. that which can  be observed) and is skeptical of a priori knowledge or concepts (in other words, knowledge that is arrived at from theoretical deduction rather than experience or observation).



I-empiricism igcizelela ukubaluleka kwesipiliyoni sokuzwa ngezizwa (okungukuthi, lokho okungase kuqashelwe) futhi iyalungabaza ulwazi noma imiqondo kwemfundiso nje (ngamanye amazwi, ulwazi okufinyelelwa kulo ngokufundiswa kunokuba kube ngesipiliyoni noma ukuqaphela).


Bosupi jo bo Tshwaregang

Bosupi jo bo tshwaregang bo gatelela botlhokwa jwa boitemogelo ka ditemosi (ke gore, e se se kgonang go bonwa) e bile bo belaela kitso ya pele kgotsa dikgopolo (ka mafoko a mangwe, kitso e e fitlheletsweng ka go ntsha mabaka a kgopolo e go akanngwang ka yone mo boemong jwa go nna le maitemogelo kgotsa sengwe se se etsweng tlhoko).



Empirisme beklemtoon die belangrikheid van sensoriese ervaring (d.w.s. dit wat waargeneem kan word) en is skepties oor a priori-kennis of -konsepte (d.w.s. kennis wat d.m.v. teoretiese deduksie verwerf word, eerder as deur ervaring of waarneming).



Epistemology is the study of knowledge – the origin of knowledge; the structure, nature and possibilities of knowledge; the limits of human knowledge; and so on.



I-epistemology wucwaningo ngolwazi – umsuka wolwazi; uhlaka, isimo kanye nezinto ezingenzeka ngolwazi; imikhawulo yolwazi lomuntu; nokunye.


Kgopolo ka Kitso

Kgopolo ka kitso e raya go ithuta kitso – tshimologo ya kitso; thulaganyo ya yone, mofuta le dikgonagalo tsa kitso; ditekanyetso tsa kitso ka batho; jalo le jalo.



Epistemologie is die studie van kennis – die oorsprong van kennis; die struktuur, aard en moontlikhede van kennis; die grense van menslike kennis; ens.



Ethics – which is sometimes called “moral philosophy” – is a branch of philosophy that systematically studies questions of behaviour. What is right and wrong behaviour? How did the concepts “good” and “evil” come to exist as they do? Normative ethics usually aims to define normative moral standards that regulate right and wrong conduct. Applied ethics usually things about more controversial issues, such as animal rights, environmental concerns, war and abortion.



I-Ethics – ngesinye isikhathi ebizwa ngokuthi “ifilosofi yokuziphatha” – iyigatsha lefilosofi elicwaninga ngendlela ehlelekile imibuzo yokuziphatha. Kuyini ukuziphatha okulungile nokungalungile? Imiqondo ethi “okulungile” nethi “okubi” yaba khona kanjani njengoba ikhona? I-normative ethics ngokuvamile ihloselwe ukuchaza izimiso zokuziphatha okulungile nokungalungile ezilawula inkambo elungile nengalungile. I-applied ethics ngokuvamile yizinto eziphathelene nezinto eziyimpikiswano, njengamalungelo ezilwane, izinkinga zezemvelo, impi kanye nokukhipha isisu.



Mokgwa wa boitshwaro – o ka dinako tse dingwe o bidiwang “filosofi ya boitsholo” – ke thuto ya filosofi ya go ithuta dipotso ka boitshwaro kgato ka kgato. Boitshwaro jo bo siameng le jo bo sa siamang ke eng? Go tlileng jang gore go nne le kgopolo ya “molemo” le “bosula”? Gantsi boikaelelo jwa melawana ya thuto ka mokgwa wa boitshwaro ke go tlhalosa ditekanyetso tsa mokgwa wa boitshwaro tse di laolang boitshwaro jo bo siameng le jo bo sa siamang. Go tsenngwa tirisong ga mokgwa wa boitshwaro gantsi dilo tse go ganetsanwang thata ka tsone, jaaka ditshwanelo tsa diphologolo, matshwenyego ka tikologo, ntwa le go ntsha mpa.



Etiek – wat soms “morele filosofie” genoem word – is ʼn vertakking van filosofie wat op ʼn sistematiese wyse vraagstukke oor gedrag bestudeer. Wat is regte en verkeerde gedrag? Hoe het die begrippe “goed” en “kwaad” ontstaan? Normatiewe etiek is gewoonlik daarop gemik om normatiewe morele standaarde te definieer wat regte en verkeerde gedrag reguleer. Toegepaste etiek handel gewoonlik oor meer omstrede kwessies, soos diereregte, omgewingsake, oorlog en aborsie.


ethical egoism

The normative ethical position that moral agents ought to do what is in their own self-interest. Ethical egoism does not require moral agents to disregard the well-being of others, nor does it require that a moral agent refrains from considering the well-being of others in moral deliberation.


Isimo sokulunga ezimisweni zokulungile nokungalungile sokuthi abameleli bokuziphatha kufanele benze lokho okuzuzisa bona uqobo. I-ethical egoism ayidingi ukuba abameleli bokuziphatha bangayinaki inhlalakahle yabanye, futhi ayidingi ukuba ummeleli wokuziphatha agweme ukucabangela inhlalakahle yabanye lapho kuxoxwa ngokuziphatha.



Boemo jwa melawana ya thuto ka mokgwa wa boitshwaro jwa gore batho ba ba itlhophelang go itirela ditshwetso tsa bone ba tshwanetse go dira se ba se kgatlhegelang. Boikgopolo ga bo tlhoke gore batho ba ba itlhophelang go itirela ditshwetso tsa bone ba tlhokomologe tshireletsego ya ba bangwe, e bile ga go batla gore motho yo o itirelang ditshwetso tsa gagwe a se ka a akanyetsa botsogo jwa ba bangwe mo dikgannyeng tsa boitshwaro.


etiese egoïsme

Die normatiewe etiese posisie dat morele agente moet doen wat in hul eie belang is. Etiese egoïsme vereis nie dat morele agente die welsyn van ander misken nie, en dit vereis ook nie dat ʼn morele agent hom daarvan moet weerhou om die welsyn van ander te oorweeg nie.



Eurocentrism is generally defined as a cultural phenomenon that views the histories and cultures of non-Western societies from a European or Western perspective. Eurocentrism is a systematic distortion of existing realities, with which most Western social theories and ideologies seem to have been contaminated.



I-Eurocentrism ngokuvamile ichazwa njengesenzakalo sesiko-mpilo esibheka imilando namasiko-mpilo emiphakathi engeyona eyaseNtshonalanga ngokomqondo waseYurophu noma waseNtshonalanga. I-Eurocentrism iwukuhlanekezelwa okuhleliwe kwamaqiniso akhona, okubonakala ukuthi kuye kwangcolisa izimfundiso nemiqondo eminingi yezenhlalo yaseNtshonalanga.



Boyuropa gantsi bo tlhalosiwa jaaka tlwaelo ya go leba dihisitori le ditlwaelo tsa ditšhaba tse e seng tsa dinaga tsa Bophirima ka tsela e Dinaga tsa Yuropa le tsa Bophirima di di lebang ka yone. Boyuropa ke go leba maemo ka tsela e tota a seng ka yone, e leng dikgopolo le ditumelo tse bontsi jwa baagi ba Dinaga tsa Bophirima ba di amogetseng.



Eurosentrisme word algemeen gedefinieer as ʼn kulturele verskynsel wat die geskiedenis en kulture van nie-Westerse samelewings vanuit ʼn Europese of Westerse perspektief beskou. Eurosentrisme is ʼn sistematiese verdraaiing van bestaande realiteite waarmee die meeste Westerse sosiale teorieë en ideologieë skynbaar besmet is.



The philosophical movement that views human existence as having a set of underlying themes and characteristics, such as anxiety, dread, freedom, awareness of death, and consciousness of existing, that are primary. That is, they cannot be reduced to or explained by a natural-scientific approach or any approach that attempts to detach itself from or rise above these themes.


Inhlangano engokwefilosofi ebheka ukuba khona kwabantu njengokunohlu lwezihloko nezici eziyisisekelo, njengokukhathazeka, ukwesaba, inkululeko, ukuqaphela ukufa, kanye nokwazi ukuthi ukhona, okuyizinto eziyinhloko. Kusho ukuthi, lezi zinto azinakwehliswa noma zichazwe ngendlela yesayensi engokwemvelo noma nganoma iyiphi indlela ezama ukuzihlukanisa noma ukunyukela ngaphezu kwalezi zihloko.


Patlisiso ka Bogone Jwa Batho

Mokgatlho wa bafilosofi o o lebang go nna gone ga batho  jaaka ba ba tlhaolwang ka ditlhogo tse di rileng le mekgwa e e rileng, e e jaaka tlhobaelo, letshogo, kgololesego, kitso ka loso, le go lemoga gore ba a tshela, e e leng ya konokono. Ke gore, ga di kgone go tlhaolwa kgotsa go tlhalosiwa ka tsela ya tlhago e e kelotlhoko kgotsa ka mokgwa ope o o lekang go ikgaoganya le ditlhogo tseno kgotsa go tlhatloga go feta ditlhogo tse.



Die filosofiese beweging wat veronderstel dat die menslike bestaan ʼn stel onderliggende temas en eienskappe het, soos angs, afgryse, vryheid, bewustheid van die dood en ʼn bestaansbewustheid, wat primêr is. Hulle kan dus nie gereduseer word of verklaar word deur ʼn natuurwetenskaplike benadering of enige benadering wat poog om sigself los te maak van hierdie temas of uit te styg bokant hierdie temas nie.



A political ideology and mass movement that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and historical terms, above all other loyalties, and to create a mobilized national community. Many different characteristics are attributed to fascism by different scholars, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, totalitarianism, collectivism, anti-liberalism, and anti-communism.


Isimiso semiqondo engokwepolitiki nenhlangano yoquqaba efuna ukubeka isizwe, esichazwa ngamagama akhethekile ngokwezici zokuphila, isiko-mpilo, nangokomlando, ngaphezu kwazo zonke izinto oqotho kuzo, kanye nokwakha umphakathi kazwelonke ohlanganisiwe. Izazi ezihlukahlukene zithi ubufasi (fascism) bubonakala ngezici eziningi ezihlukahlukene, kodwa izici ezilandelayo zivame ukubhekwa njengeziyizingxenye zabo ezibalulekile: ubuzwe, ukuphoqelela ukugcinwa kwegunya, ubumpi, ukuhlelwa komphakathi ube ngamaqembu emisebenzi, ubushiqela, ukusebenza ngamaqembu, ukumelana nemiqondo yokuphila ekhululekile, kanye nokumelana nobukhomanisi.



Kgopolo ya sepolotiki le mokgatlho o mogolo wa batho  e boikaelelo jwa yone e leng go tlhoma setšhaba sotlhe, go ya ka dikamano tsa sone, setso sa sone, le hisitori sa sone kwa godimo ga dilo tse dingwe tsotlhe tse di tlang pele mo go sone go bopa setšhaba se se momaganeng.  Bakanoki ba le bantsi, ba re mekgwa e mentsi e e farologaneng e ba nang le yone e bakilwe ke puso-kgatelelo, mme dilo tse di latelang gantsi di lejwa e le karolo ya konokono ya puso-kgatelelo: boratanaga, taolo e e gagametseng, bosole, thulaganyo ka ditlhopha tsa tiro, puso-kgatelelo, go eteletsa setlhopha kwa pele, go tlhoka kgololesego, le go lwantsha bokomonisi.



ʼn Politieke ideologie en massabeweging wat poog om die nasie, gedefinieer in eksklusiewe biologiese, kulturele en historiese terme, bo alle ander lojaliteite te plaas en om ʼn gemobiliseerde nasionale gemeenskap tot stand te bring. Baie verskillende eienskappe word deur verskillende kenners aan fascisme toegeskryf, maar die volgende elemente word gewoonlik as die integrale dele daarvan beskou: nasionalisme, outoritarisme, militarisme, korporatisme, totalitarisme, kollektivisme, anti-liberalisme en antikommunisme.



Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument. Fallacies can be either illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points, and are often identified because they lack evidence that supports their claim. (from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/logic_in_argumentative_writing/fallacies.html)


Ama-“fallacies” ngamaphutha avamile ekucabangeni azodebeselela ukuhluzeka kwalokho okushoyo. Ama-fallacies angaba yizinto ezishiwoyo ezingemthetho noma amaphuzu angahlangene nendaba, futhi avame ukubonakala ngoba awanabo ukufakazi obusekela lokho akushoyo.”


Kgopolo e e Seng Boammaaruri

Maiphako gantsi ke diphoso tsa ka gale tsa fa go ntshiwa mabaka tse di tla tse di tla tokafatsang tsela ya gago e e nonofileng ya go ntsha mabaka. Maiphako e ka nna dikganetsano tse di sa amogelesegeng kgotsa dintlha tse di seng maleba, mme gantsi di a lemotshega ka gonne di sena bosupi jo di tshegediwang ke jone.”



“Denkfoute is algemene redeneringsfoute wat die logika van ʼn argument sal ondermyn. Denkfoute kan óf nie-legitieme argumente óf irrelevante punte wees, en word dikwels geïdentifiseer omdat die bewerings nie op bewyse berus nie.”



The idea that a proposition or theory cannot be scientific if it does not admit the possibility of being shown to be false. For example, the proposition “All crows are black” is a scientific proposition because it can be falsified by the observation of one white crow.


Umqondo wokuthi isihlongozo noma imfundiso akunakuba ngokwesayensi uma kungalivumi ithuba lokuboniswa ukuthi kungamanga. Isibonelo, isihlongozo sokuthi “Wonke amagwababa amnyama” kuyisihlongozo sesayensi ngoba singenziwa sibe ngamanga ngokubona igwababa elilodwa elimhlophe.


Tshedimosetso ya Maaka

Kgopolo ya gore tshitshinyo kgotsa kgopolo ga e ka ke ya nna ya boammaaruri fa e sena kgonego ya go bontsha gore ga e boammaaruri. Ka sekai, tshitshinyo ya gore “Magakabe otlhe a mantsho”  ke tshitshinyo ya saense ka gonne e ka fitlhelwa e se boammaaruri ka go bona lehukubu le lesweu.



Die idee dat ʼn voorstel of teorie nie wetenskaplik kan wees as dit nie voorsiening maak vir die moontlikheid dat dit as vals bewys kan word nie. Die proposisie “alle kraaie is swart” is byvoorbeeld ʼn wetenskaplike proposisie aangesien dit as vals bewys kan word indien één wit kraai waargeneem word.



The doctrine that absolute certainty about knowledge is impossible, or at least that all claims to knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken.


Imfundiso yokuthi ukuqiniseka okuphelele ngolwazi akunakwenzeka, noma okungenani ukuthi konke okushiwoyo ngokuba nolwazi kungenzeka ukuthi, empeleni, kuyiphutha.



Thuto ya gore ga go kgonege gore kitso e nne e sena phoso epe, kgotsa gore dilo tsotlhe tse di bolelwang ka kitso di ka nna phoso.



Die leerstelling dat absolute sekerheid oor kennis onmoontlik is, of minstens dat alle aansprake op kennis in beginsel verkeerd kan wees.




Go sa kgone go thibela ditiragalo

Pono ya gore ditshwetso tsa batho le ditiro tsa bone ga di thuse ka sepe e bile ga di na mosola ope mo go laoleng ditiragalo, ka gonne se se tlileng go direga se tlile go direga.




A diverse collection of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies, largely motivated by or concerning the experiences of women, especially in terms of their social, political, and economic situation. As a social movement, feminism largely focuses on limiting or eradicating gender inequality and promoting women’s rights, interests, and issues in society.


Iqoqo elinhlobonhlobo lezimfundiso zezenhlalo, izinhlangano zezepolitiki, namafilosofi okuziphatha, ikakhulu elishukunyiswa noma elimayelana nezipiliyoni zabesifazane, ikakhulukazi ngokuphathelene nesimo sabo sezenhlalo, sepolitiki, kanye nesomnotho. Njengenhlangano yezenhlalo, i-feminism igxila ikakhulu ekunciphiseni noma ekuqedeni ukungalingani ngokobulili kanye nokukhuthaza amalungelo abesifazane, izinto ezibazuzisayo, nezinkinga zabo emphakathini.


Tumelo ya gore ditshwanelo tsa basadi di lekane le tsa banna

Go kokoanngwa ga dikgopolo tsa batho mo loagong, tsa mekgatlho ya bopolotiki, difilosofi tsa boitsholo, tse di tlhotlhelediwang thata kgotsa tse di amanang le maitemogelo a basadi, segolobogolo malebana le boemo jwa bone jwa loago, jwa sepolotiki le jwa ikonomi. Jaaka mokgatlho wa mo loagong, tumelo ya gore ditshwanelo tsa basadi di lekane le tsa banna e tlhoma mogopolo thata mo lekanyetseng kgotsa mo go fediseng go tlhoka tekatekano le go buelela ditshwanelo tsa basadi, dikgatlhegelo tsa bone, le mathata a bone mo loagong.



ʼn Uiteenlopende versameling van sosiale teorieë, politieke bewegings en morele filosofieë, grootliks gemotiveer deur of aangaande die ervarings van vroue, veral met betrekking tot hul maatskaplike, politieke en ekonomiese situasie. As ʼn maatskaplike beweging fokus feminisme grootliks op die beperking of uitwissing van geslagsongelykheid en die bevordering van vroueregte, -belange en -kwessies in die samelewing.


free will

Free will is the canonical designator for a significant kind of control over one’s actions.


Inkululeko yokuzikhethela iyinto yemibhalo engcwele enikeza uhlobo olubalulekile lokulawula izenzo zomuntu.


Kgololesego ya Go Itirela Ditshwetso

Kgololesego ya go itirela ditshwetso ke molao wa tlhago wa go nna le taolo e e botlhokwa ka ditiro tse o di dirang.


vrye wil

Vrye wil is die kanonieke aanwyser vir ʼn beduidende soort beheer oor mens se eie optrede.



While genealogy, generally speaking, is the study and tracing of histories, for example family trees, Friedrich Nietzsche transposes this method to philosophy in order to study and trace what gave rise to healthy and sickly impulses in society. Nietzsche thus uses genealogy to ‘diagnose’ the ‘illness’ of his time, namely nihilism. Influenced by Nietzsche, Michel Foucault too makes use of genealogy alongside his method of archaeology (see archaeology*) to describe a new form of governmentality (see governmentality*), namely discipline. Whereas archaeology elucidates discontinuities and differences in the development of ideas and practices, genealogy is aimed at the interpretation and evaluation of causes and, for Foucault, is related to three domains, namely truth, power and ethics.


Nakuba uhlu lozalo, ngokwenkulumo evamile, luwucwaningo nokuzama ukuthola imilando, ngokwesibonelo izinhlaka zemindeni, uFriedrich Nietzsche uyayishintsha le ndlela ayise kufilosofi ukuze acwaninge futhi azame ukuthola ukuthi yini eyaqalisa imizwa enempilo nenokugula emphakathini. Kanjalo uNietzsche usebenzisa uhlu lozalo ‘ukuthola’ ‘ukugula’ kwesikhathi sakhe, okuthiwa yi-nihilism. Ethonywe nguNietzsche, uMichel Foucault naye usebenzisa uhlu lozalo lukanye nendlela yakhe yocwaningo lwemivubukulo (bheka elithi archaeology*) ukuba achaze uhlobo olusha lwe-governmentality (bheka elithi governmentality*), okungukuthi, ingqeqesho. Lapho ucwaningo lwemivubukulo luchaza okungaqhutshekwanga nazo nomehluko ekusungulweni kwemiqondo nemikhuba, ucwaningo lohlu lozalo luhloselwe ukuchaza nokuhlola izimbangela futhi, kuFoucault, kuhlobene nemikhakha emithathu, okungukuthi iqiniso, amandla kanye nezimiso zokulunga.


Moloko wa losika

Fa re bua ka kakaretso, le fa lotso gantsi e le go ihuta dihisitori le go di tsaya ka motlhala, ka sekai, setshwantsho-tlhare sa ba masika, Friedrich Nietzsche, o fapaanya mokgwa ono le filosofi gore a ithute le go tsaya ka motlhala se se bakileng melemo le masula mo gare ga batho Ka jalo Nietzsche o dirisa moloko wa losika go “batlisisa’ ‘masula’ a nako eno, a mo go ene a rayang gore botshelo ga bo na bokao. Michel Foucault, yo o neng a tlhotlhelediwa ke Nietzsche, le ene o dirisa moloko wa losika go bapa le mokgwa wa gagwe wa go ribolola marope (leba boithutamarope*) go tlhalosa mofuta o mosha wa taolo ya boitshwaro jwa batho (leba taolo ya boitshwaro jwa batho*), e leng  go diragatsa kotlhano. Le fa boithutamaropo bo tlhalosa go khutlisiwa ga dikgopolo le ditlwaelo dingwe le go tlhalosa dipharologano tsa tsone, boikaelelo jwa moloko wa losika ke go tlhalosa le go sekaseka dibako mme, mo go Foucault, bo amana le dilo di le tharo, e leng boammaaruri, maatla le maitshwaro.



Terwyl genealogie gewoonlik oor die studie van verwantskapsbetrekkinge gaan, gebruik Friedrich Nietzsche hierdie metode in filosofie om te bestudeer wat aanleiding gegee het tot gesonde en sieklike impulse in die samelewing. Nietzsche gebruik dus genealogie om die ‘siekte’ van sy tyd te ‘diagnoseer’, naamlik nihilisme. Onder invloed van Nietzsche maak Michel Foucault ook gebruik van genealogie saam met sy metode van argeologie (sien argeologie*) om ʼn nuwe vorm van goewermentaliteit te beskryf (sien goewermentaliteit*), naamlik dissipline. Terwyl argeologie diskontinuïteite en verskille in die ontwikkeling van idees en praktyke toelig, is genealogie gemik op die interpretasie en evaluering van oorsake en hou dit volgens Foucault verband met drie domeine, naamlik waarheid, mag en etiek.


German idealism

A movement in idealism centered in Germany and traditionally beginning with Immanuel Kant’s notion of transcendental idealism. Many prominent exponents include Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling.


Inhlangano ye-idealism ezinze eJalimane futhi ngokuvamile eyaqala ngomqondo kaKant we-idealism edlulela ngale. Abasekeli abaningi abavelele bahlanganisa uGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, noFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling.


Kgopolo ya Mokgatlho wa Sejeremane

Mokgatlho o o kwa Jeremane wa kgopolo ya Sejeremane o o simolotsweng ka kgopolo ya ga Immanuel Kant  Bomankge ba bantsi ba ba tlhomologileng ba akaretsa Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, le Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling.


Duitse idealisme

ʼn Idealisme-beweging wat in Duitsland gesentreer is en tradisioneel begin met Immanuel Kant se idee van transendentale idealisme. Baie prominente eksponente sluit in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, en Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling.



Governmentality, for philosopher Michel Foucault, refers to an art or style of government that conducts or orchestrates the conduct or activities of people (which is why it is sometimes referred to as the ‘conduct of conduct’). Governmentality, as such, is both an apparatus and a set of techniques. Different kinds of governmentality can be identified, such as the effects of sovereign power, discipline or biopower (see biopower*).


Elithi governmentality, ngokwesazi sefilosofi uMichel Foucault, libhekisela ebucikweni noma endleleni kahulumeni elawula noma eqondisa ukuziphatha noma imisebenzi yabantu (kungakho ngezinye izikhathi ibizwa ngokuthi ‘ukulawula ukuziphatha’). Njengoba kunjalo, i-governmentality, iyikho kokubili ithuluzi kanye nesethi yamasu. Kungashiwo izinhlobo ezihlukahlukene ze-governmentality, njengemiphumela yombuso onenkosi, ingqeqesho noma i-biopower (bheka elithi biopower*).


Taolo ya Boitshwaro Jwa Batho

Mo go mofilosofara Michel Foucault, taolo ya boitshwaro jwa batho e raya botswerere kgotsa mokgwa wa puso e e laolang kgotsa e e bopang boitshwaro kgotsa ditiro tsa batho (e leng lone lebaka la go bo ka dinako tse dingwe e bidiwang ‘boitshwaro jwa boitshwaro’). Ka jalo, Taolo ya boitshwaro jwa batho ke sedirisiwa gape ke maano a le mmalwa. Go a kgonega go tlhaola mefuta e e farologaneng ya taolo ya boitshwaro jwa batho jaaka diphelelo tse puso e e busang ka taolo e e feletseng , e e diragatsang kotlhao kgotsa e e laolang batho e nang le tsone (leba taolo ya batho*).



Vir die filosoof Michel Foucault verwys goewermentaliteit na ʼn regeringskuns of -styl wat die gedrag of aktiwiteite van mense orkestreer. As sodanig is goewermentaliteit sowel ʼn apparaat as ʼn stel tegnieke. Verskillende soort goewermentaliteit kan geïdentifiseer word, soos die effek van soewereine mag, dissipline of biomag (sien biomag*).



The range of ethical views that consider human nature to be the source of values.


Ubungako bemibono yezimiso zokuziphatha obucabangela ukuthi isimo somuntu siwumthombo wezimiso.


Go Itlhagisa ga Setho

Mefuta ya dipono tsa boitshwaro tse di lebang tlhago ya motho jaaka motswedi wa mekgwa e e siameng.


Die reeks etiese opvattings wat die menslike natuur as die bron van waardes beskou.



Idealism is grounded in a metaphysical view that sees “reality” as indistinguishable from human perception and/or understanding. In other words, reality is mentally – rather than materially – constituted.


Elithi idealism lisekelwe embonweni wefilosofi yezimiso zokuqala zezinto obheka “isimo ezingokoqobo” njengesingenakuhlukaniswa embonweni womuntu kanye/noma nokuqonda. Ngamanye amazwi, isimo ezingokoqobo – sakheka engqondweni – kunokuba kube ngendlela ephathekayo.


Dikgopolo ke Dilo Tsa Mmatota

Kgang ya gore dikgopolo ke tsone dilo tsa mmatota e theilwe mo ponong ya bogone jwa dilo, ya go leba “dilo tsa mmatota” jaaka tse di ka se kang tsa farologanngwa le se motho a se akanyang le/kgotsa a se tlhaloganyang. Ka mafoko a mangwe, dilo tsa mmatota ke tse di leng mo mogopolong  – e seng tse motho o kgonang go di tshwara – tse e leng karolo ya mogopolo.



Idealisme is gegrond in ʼn metafisiese siening wat die “werklikheid” as ononderskeibaar van menslike persepsie en/of begrip sien. Die werklikheid is met ander woorde geestelik – eerder as materieel – saamgestel.



Immanence is a term applied, in contradistinction to “transcendence,” to the fact or condition of being entirely within something (from Latin immanere, “to dwell in, remain”).


Elithi immanence yigama elisetshenziswa, ngokumelene nelithi “transcendence,” ephuzwini noma esimweni sokuba ngaphakathi kwento ethile ngokuphelele (lisuselwa kwelesiLatini elithi immanere, “ukuhlala phakathi, ukusala”).


Karolo ya

Go farologana le Lereo le le reng “go feta go nna karolo,” lereo le le reng karolo ya, le raya boemo jwa go nna karolo ya selo se sengwe gotlhelele (go tswa mo lereong la Selatine la immanere, “go nna, go sala,  mo teng ga”).



Immanensie is ʼn term wat, in teenstelling met “transendensie,” toegepas word op die feit of toestand om heeltemal binne iets anders te wees (van die Latyn immanere, “om in te woon”).



The belief that free will and determinism are not logically compatible categories.


Inkolelo yokuthi inkululeko yokuzikhethela nokuzimisela akuzona izigaba ezifanelanayo ngokunengqondo.



Tumelo ya gore kgololesego ya go itirela ditshwetso le taolelogale ga se dilo tse di tsamaisanang.



Die opvatting dat vrye wil en determinisme nie logies verenigbare kategorieë is nie.



An inductive argument is an argument whose conclusion is supposed to follow from its premises with a high level of probability, which means that although it is possible that the conclusion doesn’t follow from its premises, it is unlikely that this is the case.


I-inductive argument yiphuzu elinesiphetho okumelwe silandele izizathu zalo ngezinga eliphakeme lokuba kwenzeke lokho, okusho ukuthi nakuba kungase kwenzeke ukuthi isiphetho singalandeli izizathu, cishe akunakwenzeka ukuthi kube njalo.


Go dumela ka meno a matelele

Kgang e e dumelwang ka meno a matelele ke kgang e tshwetso ka yone e tshwanetseng go diragadiwa ka tlhomamisego e kgolo ya gore e tla diragala, mo go rayang gore le fa go na le kgonego ya gore tshwetso eo e leke go diragadiwa, e ka nna ya se ka ya diragala.




informal logic

Informal logic is an attempt to build a logic that combines accounts of argument, evidence, proof and justification with an instrumental outlook which emphasizes their usefulness in the analysis of real life arguing.


i-informal logic

I-informal logic ngumzamo wokwakha indlela yokucabanga enengqondo ehlanganisa ukulandisa kwamaphuzu, isiqinisekiso, ubufakazi, nokwenza isimo sifaneleke okugcizelela inzuzo yalezi zinto lapho kuhlaziywa ukuveza iphuzu ekuphileni okungokoqobo.


Mabaka a a sa kgoneng go tshegediwa

Mabaka a a sa kgoneng go tshegediwa ke go leka go ntsha mabaka a a lekang go kopanya  dikganetsano, bosupi, dintlha  le mabaka a a tshegetsang dikgopolo dingwe ponelopele e e mosola e e gatelelang mosola wa tsone le go sekaseka dikganetsano tsa mmatota mo botshelong.


informele logika

Informele logika is ʼn poging om ʼn logika op te bou wat argumente, bewyse en regverdiging kombineer met ʼn instrumentele uitkyk wat die bruikbaarheid daarvan in die ontleding van werklike argumente benadruk.




Tlhatlhobo ya loago le ikonomi

Maemo a filosofi, a bopolotiki le a ikonomi le mekgatlho e e theilweng mo tirong ya ga Karl Marx le Friedrich Engels. Filosofi ya ga Marx ya hisitori e ne e akaretsa kgopolo ya tshotlego ya setlhopha sa batho ba ba thulanang ke dikgopolo.




In metaphysics, the claim that free will exists. In this sense it is generally opposed to determinism (but see compatibilism).

In political philosophy, either of two anti-statist political positions.


Ku-metaphysics, yinkulumo yokuthi inkululeko yokuzikhethela ikhona. Kulo mqondo ngokuvamile iyaphikisana ne-determinism (kodwa bheka elithi compatibilism).

Kufilosofi yepolitiki, yinoma yisiphi ezimweni ezimbili zepolitiki zomuntu omelene nesimiso sokulawula kombuso.



  1. Fisika e e ka ga bogone jwa dilo, e bolela gore kgololesego ya go itirela ditshwetso e teng. Kgopolo eno e bontsha gore e thulana le taolelogale (mme leba go se thulane).
  2. Mo filosofing ya sepolotiki, ke bongwe jwa maemo a mabedi a go nna kgatlhanong le taolo ya puso.



In metafisika, die aanspraak dat vrye wil bestaan. In hierdie sin staan dit gewoonlik teenoor determinisme (maar sien onverenigbaarheid).

In politieke filosofie, een van twee anti-staats politieke posisies.



Typically, a logic consists of a formal or informal language together with a deductive system and/or a model-theoretic semantics. The language has components that correspond to a part of a natural language like English or Greek. The deductive system is to capture, codify, or simply record arguments that are valid for the given language, and the semantics is to capture, codify, or record the meanings, or truth-conditions for at least part of the language.


Ngokuvamile, indlela yokucabanga enengqondo yakhiwa ulimi oluhlelekile noma olungahleliwe kanye nesimiso sokuhlunga imiqondo kanye/noma i-model-theoretic semantics. Ulimi lunezingxenyana ezihambelana nengxenye yolimi lwemvelo njengesiNgisi noma isiGriki. Isimiso sokuhlunga imiqondo sithatha, senze ikhodi, noma simane nje sirekhode amaphuzu asebenzayo alolo limi okukhulunywa ngalo, kanti umkhakha wezincazelo kumelwe uthathe, wenze amakhodi, noma urekhode izincazelo, noma izimo eziyiqiniso okungenani zengxenye yolimi.



Gantsi, mabaka a akaretsa puo ya semmuso kgotsa e e seng ya semmuso mmogo le tsamaiso ya go ntsha mabaka le/kgotsa mokgwa wa puo e e leng kgopolo fela.  Puo e na le dikarolo tse di tsamaisanang le karolo ya puo ya tlhago jaaka Seesemane kgotsa Segerika. Tsamaiso ya go ntsha mabaka ke go tlhagisa, go rulaganya, kgotsa go rekota dingangisano tse di boammaaruri tsa puo e go buiwang ka yone, mme puo eo ke go tlhagisa, go rulaganya, kgotsa go rekota bokao, maemo a a boammaaruri a bobotlana karolo ya puo eo.



ʼn Logika bestaan tipies uit ʼn formele of informele taal tesame met ʼn deduktiewe stelsel en/of ʼn model-teoretiese semantiek. Die taal het komponente wat ooreenstem met ʼn gedeelte van ʼn natuurlike taal soos Engels of Grieks. Die deduktiewe stelsel is om argumente wat vir die gegewe taal geldig is, vas te lê, te kodifiseer of bloot op te teken, en die semantiek is om die betekenisse of waarheidsvoorwaardes vir ten minste ʼn deel van die taal vas te lê, te kodifiseer of op te teken.


logical positivism

A philosophy of science originating in the Vienna Circle in the 1920s which holds that philosophy should aspire to the same sort of rigor as science. Logical positivism asserts that philosophy should provide strict criteria for judging sentences true, false, and meaningless. Logical positivists all shared an interest in science and deep skepticism of the theological and metaphysical.


i-logical positivism

Ifilosofi yesayensi eyaqala eVienna Circle ngeminyaka yo-1920 ithi ifilosofi kufanele ifise ukufinyelela izinto ngentshisekelo efana neyesayensi. I-logical positivism igcizelela ukuthi ifilosofi kufanele inikeze izindinganiso eziqinile zokunquma ukuthi imisho iyiqiniso, ingamanga, nokuthi ayisho luthi yini. Abasekeli be-logical positivism bonke baba neqhaza kusayensi futhi baba nokungabaza okujulile ngezinto ezifundiswayo kanye nezihlinzekwa yi-metaphysics.


Molaotheo wa Netefatso

Filosofi ya Saense e e simolotsweng ke Setlhopha sa Banetetshi ba kwa Viena ka dingwaga tsa bo 1920  se se dumelang gore Filosofi  e tshwanetse go ratega le gore go dirwe patlisiso e e tseneletseng ka yone fela jaaka go dirwa ka saense. Molaomotheo wa netefatso o gatelela gore filosofi e tshwanetse go nna le dintlhatheo tse di gagametseng tsa go atlhola diele gore a di boammaaruri, ga di boammaaruri, kgotsa gore ga di na bokao. Batho ba ba theileng melawana ya netefatso botlhe ba kgatlhegela saense le go belaela thata bodumedi le boammaaruri, botshelo le bonnete jwa dilo.


logiese positivisme

ʼn Wetenskapsfilosofie wat sy oorsprong het in die sogenaamde Wiener Kreis (Weense Kring) in die 1920’s, en wat beweer dat filosofie dieselfde strengheid as die wetenskap moet nastreef. Logiese positivisme voer aan dat filosofie streng kriteria moet daarstel om sinne as waar, vals en betekenisloos te beoordeel Logiese positiviste het almal ʼn belangstelling in wetenskap en ʼn diep skeptisisme oor die teologiese en metafisiese gedeel.



The philosophical view that the only thing that can truly be said to ‘exist’ is matter; that fundamentally, all things are composed of ‘material’ and all phenomena are the result of material interactions.


Umbono wefilosofi wokuthi okuwukuphela kwento okungashiwo ngeqiniso ukuthi ‘ikhona’ yinto ephathekayo (matter); ukuthi ngokuyisisekelo, zonke izinto zakhiwa ‘yinto ephathekayo’ futhi zonke izenzakalo zingumphumela wokusebenzelana kwezinto eziphathekayo.


Bogone jwa selo

Pono ya sefilosofi ya gore selo se le sengwe fela se go ka tweng ‘se teng’ ke se se kgonang go tshwarwa; gore, dilo tsotlhe di dirilwe ka ‘selo se se kgonang go tshwarwa’ le gore ditiragalo tsotlhe di direga ka ntlha ya tirisanommogo ya dilo.



Die filosofiese siening dat materie die enigste ding is waarvan dit werklik gesê kan word dat dit bestaan; dat alles in wese uit ‘materiaal’ bestaan en dat alle verskynsels die gevolg is van materiële interaksies.



Metaphysics covers general questions about the nature of reality. For example, whether there are universals; what substances life consists of; whether there are there events; questions about space and time; how causation and determinism relate to questions of freedom; and so on.



I-metaphysics ikhava imibuzo evamile mayelana nesimo sento engokoqobo. Isibonelo, ukuthi zikhona yini izinto ezenziwa ngabantu bonke emhlabeni wonke; ukuthi ukuphila kwakhiwa yiziphi izinto; ukuthi zikhona yini izenzakalo lapho; imibuzo ngomkhathi nesikhathi; ukuthi imbangela ne-determinism kuhlangana kanjani nemibuzo yenkululeko; nokunye.


Fisika e e ka ga bogone jwa dilo

Fisika e e amanang le bogone jwa dilo e akaretsa dipotso-kakaretso ka mofuta wa bonnete jwa dilo.  Ka sekai, gore a go na ditshwani mo gare ga dilo; gore botshelo bo na le dire dife; gore a o na le ditiragalo; dipotso ka lefaufau le nako;  ka fa dibako tsa ditiragalo le go direga ga ditiragalo ka ntlha ya dibako tsa nako e e fetileng go amanang ka gone le dipotso le kgololesego; jalo le jalo.



Metafisika behandel algemene vrae oor die aard van die werklikheid. Byvoorbeeld, of daar universalia is; uit watter stowwe die lewe bestaan; of daar gebeure is; vrae oor ruimte en tyd; hoe kousaliteit en determinisme verband hou met vrae oor vryheid; ens.



Whereas biopower describes the power to ‘let live and let die’ which is targeted at populations as aggregate groups, meaning it is concerned with managing populations, necropolitics, first theorised by Achille Mbembe, is related to death – as the name implies – though it is not so much a sanctioned ‘letting die’ as it is a negligence according to which life is regulated in such a way as to make it unliveable. Biopolitics thus entails a necropolitics when sub-populations – especially of colour – are targeted through, for example, forced sterilization or lack of healthcare.


Njengoba i-biopower ichaza amandla ‘okuvumela ukuba uphile nokuvumela ukuba ufe’ okubhekiswe emiphakathini yamaqembu abantu abanezici ezifanayo, okusho ukuthi imayelana nokuphatha imiphakathi yabantu, kanti i-necropolitics, eyaqala ukufundiswa ngu-Achille Mbembe, ihlobene nokufa – njengoba igama lisho – nakuba kungekhona ngempela ‘ukuvumela ukufa’ okusemthethweni ngoba kuwubudedengu lapho ukuphila kuqondiswa khona ngendlela yokuba kwenziwe kungaphileki. Kanjalo i-biopolitics ihlanganisa ne-necropolitics lapho imiphakathi engaphansi – ikakhulukazi yabantu abanebala elihlukile – ihlaselwa, ngokwesibonelo ngokuqedwa inzalo ngempoqo noma ngokuncishwa ukunakekelwa kwempilo.


Taolo ya go swa le go tshela

Le fa taolo-batho e tlhalosa taolo ya go ‘letla go tshela le go letla go swa’ e e amanang le batho ba di ditlhopha di kopantswe, mo go rayang gore e amana le go laola batho, Taolo ya go swa le go tshela, e kgopolo ya yone e tlhamilweng lekgetlo la ntlha ke Achille Mbembe, e amana le loso – jaaka fa leina le kaya – le fa gone le sa reye katlholelo ‘ya go swa’ ka gonne ke botlhaswa jo botshelo bo tshelwang ka jone ka tsela e e dirang gore bo se ka jwa tshelega. Ka jalo batho le bopolotiki di akaretsa taolo ya go swa le go tshela fa merafe e e tseelwang kwa tlase – segolobogolo ya bantsho – ba patelediwa go rupa kgotsa a tingwa tlhokomelo ya pholo.



Terwyl biomag die mag beskryf om ‘te laat lewe en te laat sterf’, wat op bevolkings as gehele groepe gemik is, wat beteken dat dit gemoeid is met die bestuur van bevolkings, hou nekropolitiek, wat eerste deur Achille Mbembe teoretiseer is, verband met die dood – soos die naam impliseer – hoewel dit is nie soseer ʼn gesanksioneerde ‘laat sterf’ is nie, maar eerder ʼn nalatigheid waarvolgens lewe so gereguleer word dat dit onleefbaar is. Biopolitiek behels dus ʼn nekropolitiek wanneer subpopulasies – veral van kleur – geteiken word deur byvoorbeeld gedwonge sterilisasie of gebrek aan gesondheidsorg.


the new materialisms

The new materialisms are a heterogeneous set of interdisciplinary theories and practices that emerged from the junctures between, especially, philosophy, feminism, biology, cultural theory and the natural sciences. Influential thinkers include Jane Bennett, Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Elizabeth Grosz and Karen Barad, many of whom were deeply influenced by the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. What unites the disparate fields is a commitment to interrogate the limitations of social constructivist and linguistic frameworks, and the Cartesian dualisms at the heart of these and related theories. Instead, vitalism and anti-anthropocentrism are emphasised by asking questions about the entangled nature of material-somatic realities and discursive practices, which includes the technological, the nonorganic and the nonhuman.


i-new materialisms

I-new materialisms yisethi enezici ezinhlobonhlobo  zezimfundiso zemikhakha eminingana nemikhuba ezavela ezikhathini zezenzakalo eziphakathi, ikakhulukazi, nefilosofi, i-feminism, i-biology, imfundiso yesiko-mpilo kanye nesayensi yezinto eziphathelene nomhlaba. Izinjula-buchopho ezaba nethonya zihlanganisa uJane Bennett, uDonna Haraway, uRosi Braidotti, u-Elizabeth Grosz noKaren Barad, iningi labo elalithonywe kakhuulu ngumsebenzi kaGilles Deleuze noFélix Guattari. Okuhlanganisa imikhakha eyayingathembisi ngukuzibophezela ukuthola imininingwane yemikhawulo yokuthuthukiswa kwemiphakathi ehlala ndawonye nezimo zezilimi, kanye ne-Cartesian dualisms esenkabeni yale mikhakha kanye nezimfundiso ezihlobene nayo. Esikhundleni salokho, kugcizelelwa i-vitalism ne-anti-anthropocentrism ngokubuza imibuzo mayelana nesimo esiyinkimbinkimbi sama-material-somatic realities nama-discursive practices, okuhlanganisa ubuchwepheshe, izinto ezingaphili kanye nezinto ezingebona abantu.


Bogone jo Bosha jwa Dilo

Bogone jo bosha jwa dilo ke setlhopha sa dikgopolo tse di farologaneng tsa dirutwa tsa mefuta e e farologaneng le mekgwa e e tlholegileng go tswa fa gare ga, segolobogolo, filosofi, tekatekano ya bong, thutatshelo, kgopolo ya setso, le disaense tsa tlhago. Batho ba ba nang le tlhotlheletso e kgolo ba ba akanyang ba akaretsa  Jane Bennett, Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Elizabeth Grosz le Karen Barad, bao bontsi jwa bone ba neng ba tlhotlhelediwa thata ke tiro ya ga Gilles Deleuze le Félix Guattari. Se se kopanyang dirutwa tse di sa tshwaneng ke boikaelelo jwa go batlisisa gore setlhopha se ile bokgakaleng jo bo kana kang jwa go tlhaloganya dikgopolo ka go tshwana  le dithulaganyo tsa puo, mmogo le jwa mmele le tlhaloganyo malebana le dilo tseno mmogo le dikgopolo tse di amanang le tsone . Mo boemong jwa moo, kgopolo ya pharologano fa gare ga ditshedi le tse di sa tsheleng le botlhoka tumelo jwa gore batho ke bone ba leng botlhokwa thata mo lobopong di gatelelwa ka go botsa dipotso ka tlhago e e raraaneng ya maikutlo a a boteng le mekgwa e e farologaneng, e e akaretsang setegeniki, dilo tse di sa tsheleng le dilo tse e seng batho.


die nuwe materialismes

Die nuwe materialismes is ʼn heterogene stel interdissiplinêre teorieë en praktyke wat ontstaan het uit die aansluitings tussen veral filosofie, feminisme, biologie, kultuurteorie en die natuurwetenskappe. Invloedryke denkers is onder meer Jane Bennett, Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Elizabeth Grosz en Karen Barad; baie van hulle is diep beïnvloed deur die werk van Gilles Deleuze en Félix Guattari. Wat hierdie uiteenlopende velde verenig, is ʼn verbintenis om die beperkings van sosiale konstruktivistiese en taalkundige raamwerke te ondersoek, sowel as die Cartesiese dualismes wat hierdie en verwante teorieë ten grondslag lê. Vitalisme en anti-antroposentrisme word beklemtoon deur vrae te stel oor die verstrengelde aard van materieel-somatiese realiteite en diskursiewe praktyke, wat die tegnologiese, die nie-organiese en die nie-menslike insluit.



The philosophical view that the world, and especially human existence, is without meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. It is more often a charge leveled against a particular idea than a position to which someone is overtly subscribed.


Umbono wefilosofi  wokuthi umhlaba, futhi ikakhulukazi ukuba khona kwabantu, akunanhloso, akunanjongo, iqiniso eliqondakalayo, noma ukubaluleka okusemqoka. Ngokuvamile lokhu kushiwo ngokumelene nomqondo othile kunokuba kube yisimo umuntu asamukele ngokukhululekile.


Go tlhoka bokao ga botshelo

Pono ya sefilosofi ya gore lefatshe, mme segolobogolo bogone jwa motho, ga bo na bokao, boikaelelo, boammaaruri jo bo feletseng, kgotsa boleng jo bo botlhokwa. Gantsi ke tatofatsa kgatlhanong le kgopolo e e rileng mo boemong jwa maemo ao mongwe a a newang phatlalatsa.



Die filosofiese sening dat die wêreld, en veral die menslike bestaan, sonder betekenis, doel, begryplike waarheid, of wesenlike waarde is. Dit is meer dikwels ʼn aanklag wat teen ʼn spesifieke idee ingebring word as ʼn posisie wat openlik deur iemand onderskryf word.



Ontology is a branch of metaphysics and deals with philosophical questions concerning being. For example, how beings take up space and time; what the nature of reality is; what the basic categories of being and their relations are; and so on.



I-ontology yigatsha le-metaphysics futhi iphathelene nemibuzo yefilosofi emayelana nobuntu. Isibonelo, indlela abantu abathatha ngayo isikhala nesikhathi; ukuthi sinjani ngempela isimo ezingokoqobo; yiziphi izigaba eziyisisekelo zabantu kanye nendlela abahlobana ngayo; nokunye.


Tlhago ya Bogone Jwa Dilo

Tlhago ya bogone jwa dilo ke karolo ya fisika e e ka ga bogone jwa dilo mme e amana le dipotso tsa sefilosofi tse di amanang le bogone jwa dilo. Ka sekai, ka fa ditshedi di tsayang sebaka le nako ka gone; se tlhago ya dilo tsa mmatota e leng sone; gore ditlhopha tsa motheo tsa go nna gone ga dilo le kamano ya tsone e leng tsone; jalo le jalo.



Ontologie is ʼn vertakking van metafisika en handel oor filosofiese vrae rakende bestaan of wese. Byvoorbeeld hoe wesens ruimte en tyd in beslag neem; wat die aard van die werklikheid is; wat die basiese kategorieë van wese en hul onderlinge verband is; en so meer.



The view that everything is of an all-encompassing immanent God; or that the universe, or nature, and God are equivalent.


Umbono wokuthi yonke into ingekaNkulunkulu ohlanganisa konke; noma ukuthi indawo yonke, noma imvelo, noNkulunkulu kuyalingana.


Bogotlhe Jwa Modimo

Pono ya gore sengwe le sengwe ke bogotlhe jwa Modimo; kgotsa gore lobopo, kgotsa tlhago, le Modimo di a lekana.



Die siening dat alles van ʼn allesomvattende inwonende God is; of dat die heelal, of die natuur, en God ekwivalent is.



In epistemology, the approach wherein one asks the question “What do we know?” before asking “How do we know?” Particularism is fundamentally anti-skeptical.


Ku-epistemology, yindlela lapho umuntu ebuza khona umbuzo othi “Yini esiyaziyo?” ngaphambi kokubuza ukuthi “Sazi kanjani?” I-particularism ngokuyisisekelo ayinakho ukungabaza.


Go tshela ntle le melao-taolo

Mo kgannyeng ya boithuta-kitso, mokgwa wa go botsa ga motho potso e e reng “Re itse eng?” pele a botsa a re “Re itse jang?” Go tshela ntle le melao-taolo ke go tshela ntle le dipelaelo.



In epistemologie, die benadering waarin ʼn mens die vraag stel: “Wat weet ons?” voordat daar gevra word “Hoe weet ons dit?” Partikularisme is fundamenteel anti-skepties.



Phenomenology studies phenomena as they are revealed to consciousness from the first-person point of view. In other words, phenomenology looks at the structure of conscious experience from a subjective position as this relates to perception, memory, imagination, thought, emotion, desire, and so on.



I-phenomenology icwaninga izenzakalo njengoba zivezwa ziqashelwa kusukela embonweni womuntu wokuqala. Ngamanye amazwi, i-phenomenology ihlola isimo sesipiliyoni esiqaphelayo kusukela esimweni sokuyizwa into ngoba lokhu kuthinta umbono, inkumbulo, ukubona into ngengqondo, umcabango, umzwelo, isifiso, nokunye.



Dithuto tsa boithuta-ditiragalo fa di senogela tlhaloganyo ya motho wa ntlha go ya ka fa a lebang dilo ka gone. Ka mafoko a mangwe, boithuta-ditiragalo bo amana le ka fa maitemogelo a a boteng a agegileng ka gone a a amanang le temogo, kgopolo, go bopa dilo mo mogopolong, kakanyo, maikutlo, keletso, jalo le jalo.



Fenomenologie bestudeer verskynsels soos dit uit die eerstepersoonsgesigspunt aan bewussyn geopenbaar word. Fenomenologie kyk m.a.w. na die struktuur van bewuste ervaring vanuit ʼn subjektiewe posisie soos dit betrekking het op persepsie, geheue, verbeelding, denke, emosie, begeerte, ens.





Filosofi, jaaka e fetolelwa go tswa mo Segerikeng, φιλοσοφία, e raya “go rata  botlhale”. Go ya ka mafoko a setegeniki go raya go ithuta dipotso ka ga bogone jwa dilo, kitso, maitshwaro a a siameng, lebaka, temogo (tlhaloganyo) le puo. Mekgwa ya filosofi e akaretsa go nna le dipelaelo (go botsa dipotso), tsela e e boteng ya go ntsha mabaka, mabaka a a utlwalang le boammaaruri jo bo ka se kang jwa ganediwa.



philosophy of science

The philosophy of science is a field that deals with what science is, how it works, and the logic through which we build scientific knowledge.


Ifilosofi yesayensi ngumkhakha ophathelene nalokho isayensi eyikho, indlela esebenza ngayo, kanye nendlela yokucabanga enengqondo esakha ngayo ulwazi lwezesayenzi.


Filosofi ya Saense

Filosofi ya saense ke serutwa se se buang ka se saense e leng sone, ka fa e dirang ka gone, le mabaka a ka one e agang kitso ya saense.



Wetenskapsfilosofie is ʼn vakgebied wat handel oor wat wetenskap is, hoe dit werk, en die logika waardeur ons wetenskaplike kennis bou.



The school of philosophy founded by Plato. Often used to refer to Platonic idealism, the belief that the entities of the phenomenal world are imperfect reflections of an ideal truth.


Imiqondo yefilosofi eyasungulwa nguPlato. Njengoba ivame ukusetshenziswa ukubhekisela kuPlatonic idealism, inkolelo yokuthi izinto zasemhlabeni ngokwendlela esiwubona ngayo ziwukubonakaliswa okungaphelele kweqiniso elifanelekile.


Filosofi ya ga Plato/Tsamaiso ya ga Plato

Sekolo sa Filosofi se se theilweng ke Plato Gantsi e dirisediwa go bua ka dikgopolo tsa ga Plato, tumelo ya gore ditiragalo tsa lefatshe di bontsha ka fa boammaaruri jo go tweng bo tshwanetse go nna teng jo bo siameng bo nang le ditlhaelo ka gone.


Platonisme/ neoplatonisme

Filosofieë of leerstellinge van Plato. Word dikwels gebruik om na Platoniese idealisme te verwys, die oortuiging dat die entiteite van die fenomenale wêreld onvomaakte weerspieëlings van ʼn ideale waarheid is.


political philosophy

Political philosophy can be defined as philosophical reflection on how best to arrange our collective life – our political institutions and our social practices, such as our economic system and our pattern of family life.


i-political philosophy

I-political philosophy ingachazwa njengokucabanga kwefilosofi ngendlela engcono kakhulu yokuhlela ukuphila kwethu kwethu kukonke – izinhlangano zethu zepolitiki nemikhuba yethu yezenhlalo, njengezimiso zethu zomnotho nendlela yethu yokuphila komndeni.


Filosofi ya Sepolotiki

Filosofi ya sepolotiki e ka tlhalosiwa go twe ke kakanyo ya sepolotiki ya tsela e e molemo e re ka rulaganyang matshelo a rona ka yone – ditheo tsa rona tsa sepolotiki le ditlwaelo tsa rona tsa mo loagong, jaaka tsamaiso ya ikonomi le thulaganyo ya botshelo jwa rona jwa lelapa.


politieke filosofie

Politieke filosofie kan gedefinieer word as filosofiese besinning oor hoe ons ons kollektiewe lewe, ons politieke instellings en ons sosiale praktyke, soos ons ekonomiese stelsel en ons patroon van gesinslewe, ten beste kan organiseer.



A development of humanism that rejects a special position in nature for humanity.


Ukuthuthukiswa kobuntu obulahla ukuthi isintu sinendawo ekhethekile kwezemvelo.


Go Ila Batho

Mokgatlho wa batho o o gananang le boemo jo bo kgethegileng jwa tlhago ya batho.



ʼn Vertakking van humanisme wat ʼn spesiale posisie vir mense in die natuur verwerp.



A philosophical movement characterized by the postmodern criticism and analysis of Western philosophy. Beginning as a critique of Continental philosophy, it was heavily influenced by phenomenology, structuralism, and existentialism, and by the philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger.


Inhlangano engokwefilosofi ebonakala ngokugxekwa kwenkathi eyalandela isimanje kanye nokuhlaziywa kwefilosofi yaseNtshonalanga. Njengoba yaqala njengomgxeki wefilosofi yeZwekazi, yathonywa kakhulu yi-phenomenology, i-structuralism, ne-existentialism, kanye nayizazi zefilosofi uFriedrich Nietzsche noMartin Heidegger.


Morago ga Tlhamosešwa

Mokgatlho wa bafilosofi o o tshwayang diphoso nako ya morago ga tlhamosešwa le ditshekatsheko tsa filosofi ya Dinaga Tsa Bophirima. E simolotse e le botshwaya-diphoso jwa filosofi ya mo Kontinenteng, mme e ne ya tlhotlhelediwa thata ke boithuta-ditiragalo, patlisiso ya filosofi, go e ipatlisisa, ka bafilosofi e leng bafilosofi e leng Friedrich Nietzsche le Martin Heidegger.



ʼn Filosofiese beweging wat gekenmerk word deur die postmoderne kritiek en ontleding van die Westerse filosofie. Dit het begin as ʼn kritiek op Kontinentale filosofie en is sterk beïnvloed deur fenomenologie, strukturalisme en eksistensialisme, en deur die filosowe Friedrich Nietzsche en Martin Heidegger.



A movement that holds that language is not a transparent medium that connects one directly with a “truth” or “reality” outside it but rather a structure or code, whose parts derive their meaning from their contrast with one another and not from any connection with an outside world.


Inhlangano egcizelela ukuthi ulimi aluyona indlela eveza obala exhumanisa umuntu ngokuqondile “neqiniso” noma “nesimo ezingokoqobo” esingaphandle kwaso kodwa kunalokho luyisimo noma ikhodi, izingxenye zalo ezithola incazelo ngokuqhathaniswa zodwa futhi hhayi ngokuxhumaniswa nomhlaba wangaphandle.


Morago ga Patlisiso ya Filosofi

Mokgatlho o o dumelang gore puo ga se sedirisiwa se se senang bofitlha se se golaganya motho le “boammaaruri” kgotsa le “dilo tsa mmatota” ka kwa ntle ga yone mme go na le moo, se mo golaganya le popego kgotsa khouto, tseo dikarolo tsa tsone di bonang bo bokao jwa tsone go tswa go pharologano ya tsone mme e seng go tswa go kgolagano epe e nngwe e e kwa ntle.



ʼn Beweging wat beweer dat taal nie ʼn deursigtige medium is wat ʼn mens regstreeks met ʼn “waarheid” of “werklikheid” daarbuite verbind nie, maar eerder ʼn struktuur of kode, waarvan die dele hul betekenis ontleen aan hul kontras met mekaar en nie aan enige verband met ʼn buitewêreld nie.



A philosophy that originated in the United States in the late 19th century. Pragmatism is characterized by the insistence on consequences, utility and practicality as vital components of meaning and truth. Pragmatism holds that it is only in the struggle of intelligent organisms with the surrounding environment that theories acquire significance, and only with a theory’s success in this struggle that it becomes true.


Ifilosofi eyaqala e-United States ngasekupheleni kwekhulu le-19 leminyaka. I-pragmatism ibonakala ngokuphikelela ukufuna imiphumela, into enenzuzo kanye nento esebenzisekayo njengeziyizici ezibalulekile zenjongo neqiniso. I-pragmatism igcizelela ukuthi ngumzabalazo wezinhlangano ezinobuhlakani kuphela nesimo ezikuso, okwenza izimfundiso zithole ukubaluleka, futhi kungokuphumelela kwemfundiso kuphela kulo mzabalazo okuyenza ibe yiqiniso.


Kakanyo e e Mosola

Filosofi e e simolotseng kwa Dinageng Kopano mo lekgolong la dingwaga la bo 19. Kakanyo e e mosola e bontsha gore ditlamorago tse di sa itumediseng, boitumelo le go akanya ka tsela e e botlhale ke dikarolo tse di botlhokwa tsa bokao le boammaaruri. Kakanyo e e mosola e bontsha gore ke ka nako ya fa ditshedi tse di botlhale di mekamekana le mathata a tikologo dikgopolo di simololang go nna botlhokwa, e bile ka nako ya go mekamekana le mathata ano, dikgopolo di nna boammaaruri.



ʼn Filosofie wat in die laat 19de eeu in die Verenigde State ontstaan het. Pragmatisme word gekenmerk deur die nadruk op gevolge, nut en bruikbaarheid as belangrike komponente van betekenis en waarheid. Pragmatisme meen dat dit slegs in die stryd van intelligente organismes met die omliggende omgewing is dat teorieë betekenis verwerf, en dat teorieë slegs waar word as hulle suksesvol is in hierdie stryd.



From Aristotelian ethics referring to “practical wisdom”. Arguably the most important virtuous disposition or character trait.


Kusukela ezimisweni zokuziphatha zika-Aristotle ibhekisela “ekuhlakanipheni okusebenzayo”. Nakuba kungase kuphikiswane kuyisimo esibaluleke kakhulu ngobuhle noma ngesici sobuntu.



Go tswa go dikgopolo tsa ga Aristotle tse di buang ka “botlhale jo bo mosola”. Go na le mabaka a go bo seno e le boikutlo kgotsa mokgwa o o  botlhokwa go gaisa yotlhe.



Van Aristoteliaanse etiek wat na “praktiese wysheid” verwys. Stellig die belangrikste deugsaamheid of karaktertrek.


queer theory

Queer theory challenges or ‘troubles’ hegemonic and normalised understandings of identity, sex, gender and sexuality, as well as the relations between them. Queer theory is not about queer identities per se, but about politicizing issues of gender, sexual difference, patriarchy, assumed binarisms and any other stable reference points of identity.


i-queer theory

I-queer theory ibekela inselele noma ‘ihlupha’ ukubhula amaphiko futhi ikwenza kube yinto evamile ukuqondwa kwezici ezichaza umuntu, ucansi, ubulili kanye nokuthola imizwa yobulili, kanye nokuhlobana okuphakathi kwalezi zinto. I-queer theory ayiphathelene nezici ezichaza ubuntu bezitabane, kodwa iphathelene nokupolitika ngezindaba zobulili, ukuhluka ngokwezocansi, ukwengamela kwabesilisa, i-assumed binarisms kanye nanoma yimaphi amanye amaphuzu asimeme achaza umuntu.


Kgopolo e go Leng Thata go e Tlhalosa

Kgopolo e go leng thata go e tlhalosa e gwetlha kgotsa ‘e baka mathata’ a go tlhaloganya bokao jo bogolo kgotsa jo bo tlwaelegileng jwa bomang-mang jwa motho, bong, le mokgwa wa thobalano, le dikamano fa gare ga mareo ano. Kgopolo e go leng thata go e tlhalosa ga e ka ga matlhaodi a go leng thata go a tlhalosa, mme e ka ga  go polotika dikgang tsa bong, thobalano e e sa tshwaneng, go okamela ga banna, diphapang tsa bong tse go tsewang gore di teng le tshupetso epe e nngwe e e supang gore bomang-mang jwa motho ke bofe.



Queerteorie daag hegemoniese en genormaliseerde opvattinge oor identiteit, geslag, gender en seksualiteit uit, sowel as hul onderlinge verhoudinge. Queerteorie gaan nie per se oor queer-identiteite nie, maar oor die polisitering van kwessies m.b.t. gender, seksuele verskille, patriargie, veronderstelde binarismes en enige ander stabiele verwysingspunte van identiteit.



Rationalism emphasises reason as a source of knowledge itself, rather than thinking about it as a way of organising knowledge.



I-rationalism igcizelela ukucabanga ngokujulile njengokungumthombo wolwazi ngokwako, kunokucabanga ngakho njengendlela yokuhlela ulwazi.


Mabaka le Kitso ke Dilo Tsa Konokono

Mabaka le kitso di gatelela go ntsha mabaka jaaka motswedi wa kitso ka boyone, mo boemong jwa go akanya ka yone jaaka tsela ya go rulaganya kitso.



Rasionalisme beklemtoon die rede as ʼn bron van kennis self, eerder as om dit te konseptualiseer as  ʼn manier om kennis te organiseer.



Reason is the faculty or ability we use to engage in theoretical and practical thought.


Ukucabanga ngokujulile kungumkhakha noma ikhono esilisebenzisayo ekucabangeni ngendlela efundisayo nesebenzisekayo.


Go Ntsha Mabaka

Go ntsha mabaka ke kgono e re e dirisetsang go tlotla ka dikgopolo le dikakanyo tse di mosola.



Rede is die kapasiteit of vermoë wat ons gebruik om teoretiese en praktiese denke te beoefen.



A philosophy that expresses art as an emotional experience based on the appreciation of the aesthetic. Romanticism is a philosophy where art is celebrated due to the emotional reaction on the part of the receiver.



Ifilosofi eveza ubuciko njengomzwelo umuntu awuzwayo obangelwa ukwazisa ubuhle. I-romanticism yifilosofi lapho ubuciko bubungazwa khona ngenxa yokusabela ngomzwelo okwenziwa yilowo muntu obujabulelayo.



Filosofi e e tlhagisang atshe jaaka maitemogelo a maikutlo a a theilweng mo mafokong a a mafatshwa. Poko ke filosofi ya go keteka monate wa atshe ka ntlha ya go tsosa ga yone maikutlo mo mothong yo o e utlwang.



ʼn Filosofie wat kuns uitdruk as ʼn emosionele ervaring gebaseer op waardering van die estetiese. Romantiek is ʼn filosofie waar kuns gevier word as gevolg van die emosionele reaksie van die ontvanger.



A school or method of doubt regarding what is held as knowledge.


Imiqondo noma indlela yokungabaza mayelana nento ethathwa njengewulwazi.


Go Belaela

Kgopolo kgotsa mokgwa wa go belaela se go dumelwang gore ke kitso.



ʼn Skool of metode van twyfel oor wat as kennis beskou word.



A school of philosophy taught by the academics (or schoolmen) of medieval universities circa 1100–1500. Scholasticism attempted to reconcile the philosophy of the ancient classical philosophers with medieval Christian theology. The primary purpose of scholasticism was to find the answer to a question or resolve a contradiction.


Imiqondo yefilosofi eyayifundiswa yizifundiswa (noma othisha) basemayunivesithi asendulo malungana neminyaka yo-1100–1500. I-scholasticism yazama ukuvumelanisa ifilosofi yezazi zefilosofi zasendulo zezinga eliphezulu kanye nemfundiso yobuKristu yasendulo. Injongo eyinhloko ye-scholasticism kwakuwukuthola impendulo yombuzo noma ukuxazulula ukuphikisana.


Dipatlisiso tsa Filosofi

Sekolo sa filosofi e e neng rutwa ke baakatemi (kgotsa banna ba sekolo) ba diyunibesiti tsa motlha wa bogare tsa circa 1100–1500. Dipatlisiso tsa filosofi di ne tsa leka go kopanya filosofi ya bafilosofi ba bogologolo le thutabomodimo ya Sekeresete. Boikaelelo-bogolo jwa dipatlisiso tsa filosofi e ne e le go batla karabo ya potso kgotsa go rarabolola ntlha e e ikganetsang.



ʼn Filosofiese skool wat deur die akademici van Middeleeuse universiteite rondom 1100-1500 geleer is. Skolastiek was ʼn poging om die filosofie van die antieke klassieke filosowe met Middeleeuse Christelike teologie te versoen. Die primêre doel van skolastiek was om die antwoord om ʼn vraag te vind of om ʼn teenstelling te deurdink en op te los.



The view that only direct mental experience is certain, as things external to one’s mind cannot be known.


Umbono wokuthi into ethinta ingqondo ngokuqondile kuphela eqinisekile, ngoba izinto ezingaphandle komqondo womuntu azinakwaziwa.


Bogone Jwa Tlhaloganyo Fela

Tumelo ya gore maitemogelo a go nna le tlhaloganyo ke sone fela selo se le sosi se se tlhomamisegileng, ka gonne dilo tse di leng ka kwa ntle ga tlhaloganyo ga di ka ke tsa itsiwe.



Die siening dat slegs eie bewussynservaring seker is, aangesien dinge wat nie in die eie bewussyn voorkom nie, nie bekend kan wees nie.



In Ancient Greece, the teaching of rhetoric and persuasion; in modern times, a deceptive argument not based on logic.


EGrisi Yasendulo, imfundiso yenkulumo nokukholisa; ezikhathini zamanje, amaphuzu akhohlisayo angasekelwe endleleni yokucabanga enengqondo.


Seka-Tsietso/ Motlhatlheledi

Kwa Gerika wa bogologolo, go ruta ka katlego le ka go tlhatswa morutiwa pelo; mo metlheng ya segompieno, sekai se se tsietsang se se sa tshegediweng ke mabaka.



In Antieke Griekeland, die onderrig van retoriek en oorreding; in moderne tye, ʼn misleidende argument wat nie op logika gebaseer is nie.



Speciesism is giving different sentient beings differing moral consideration for unjust reasons.


I-speciesism ngukunikeza abantu abahlukile abakwazi ukuzwa izinto, ukucatshangelwa kokuziphatha okuhlukahlukene ngenxa yezizathu ezingafanele.


Tshwaro e e sa Tshwaneng

Tshwaro e e sa tshwaneng ke go sa tshware ditshedi  dingwe sentle ka ntlha ya mabaka a a sa siamang.



Spesiesisme is wanneer verskillende voelende wesens vir onregverdige redes moreel verskillend beskou word.



A Hellenistic school with the principle that self-control, both emotional and physical, leads to an inner strength and character that enables one to harmoniously interact with the natural world. It is often contrasted with Epicureanism.


Imiqondo ephathelene nomlando wamaGriki enesimiso sokuthi ukuzithiba, kokubili okungokomzwelo nokungokoqobo, kuholela ekubeni namandla angaphakathi nobuntu okwenza umuntu akwazi ukusebenzelana ngendlela evumelanayo nomhlaba ongokwemvelo. Ivame ukuqhathaniswa nefilosofi ka-Ephikhuru.


Thotloetso ya Bomolemo

Sekolo sa Segerika sa molaomotheo wa gore boikgapo, jwa maikutlo le jwa mmele, bo naya motho nonofo ya ka fa teng le kgono ya go dirisana le tikologo ya gagwe ya tlhago ka kutlwano. Gantsi go farologanngwa le Go Natefelelwa ke Ditemotshi.



ʼn Hellenistiese skool met die beginsel dat selfbeheersing, sowel emosioneel as fisies, lei tot ʼn innerlike krag en karakter wat ʼn mens in staat stel om harmonieus met die natuurlike wêreld interaksie te hê. Dit staan dikwels teenoor Epikurisme.



Supererogation is the technical term for the class of actions that go “beyond the call of duty.” Roughly speaking, supererogatory acts are morally good although not (strictly) required.


Elithi supererogation yigama lezobuchwepheshe lesigaba sezenzo ezidlulela “ngale kwezinto umuntu okumelwe azenze.” Uma sisho kalula nje, izenzo ezidlulela ngale kokulindelekile zilungile ngokokuziphatha nakuba zingadingekile (ngokuqinile).


Go Dira go Feta ka fa go Lebeletsweng ka Gone

Go dira go feta ka fa go lebeletsweng ka gone ke mafoko a setegeniki a setlhotshwana sa ditiro tsa “go dira tiro e e fetang e o e abetsweng.” Fa re bua re latlhelela fela, ditiro tse di fetang tse di lebeletsweng mo go wena di siame le fa di sa tlhokwe (ka tsela e e gagametseng).



Pligsoorskryding is die tegniese term vir die tipe optrede wat “verwagtinge oortref.” Pligsoorskryding is gewoonlik moreel goed, maar is nie (strenggesproke) ʼn vereiste nie.



The supposition that there is design, purpose, directive principle, or finality in the works and processes of nature, and the philosophical study of that purpose. Teleology asserts that there are organising principles behind laws and phenomena.


Ukucabangela ukuthi kukhona umklamo, injongo, isimiso sesiqondiso, noma isiphetho emisebenzini nasezinqubweni zemvelo, kanye nocwaningo lwefilosofi lwaleyo njongo. I-teleology igcizelela ukuthi kunezimiso ezihlelayo ngale kwemithetho nezenzakalo.


Tlhaloso ya Bofelo

Go tsaya gore go na le tlhamo, boikaelelo, molaomotheo wa kaelo, kgotsa pheleletso ya ditiro le ya dithulaganyo tsa tlhago, le thuto ya filosofi ya boikaelelo joo. Tlhaloso ya bofelo e gatelela gore go na le melaometheo ya thulaganyo ya melao le ditiragalo.



Die veronderstelling dat daar ontwerp, doel, rigtinggewende beginsel, of finaliteit in die werking en prosesse van die natuur is, en die filosofiese studie van daardie doel. Teleologie voer aan dat daar organiserende beginsels agter wette en verskynsels is.



For Aristotle, telos is the purpose or goal of something.


Ku-Aristotle, i-telos yinjongo noma umgomo wento.



Mo go Aristotle, bokhutlo le boikaelelo kgotsa mokgele wa sengwe.



Vir Aristoteles is telos die doel of doelwit van iets.



The view that there is one or more gods or goddesses. More specifically, it may also mean the belief in God, a god, or gods, who is/are actively involved in maintaining the Universe. A theist can also take the position that she does not have sufficient evidence to “know” whether God or gods exist, although she believes it through faith.


Umbono wokuthi kunoNkulunkulu oyedwa noma onkulunkulu noma onkulunkulukazi abengeziwe. Ikakhulukazi, kungase futhi kusho ukukholelwa kuNkulunkulu, kunkulunkulu, noma konkulunkulu, obandakanyeka (ababandakanyeka) ngenkuthalo ekulondolozeni iNdawo Yonke. Ikholwa lingase futhi libe nesimo sokuthi alinabo ubufakazi obanele “bokwazi” ukuthi uNkulunkulu noma onkulunkulu bakhona yini, nakuba likukholelwa lokho ngokuba nokholo.



Tumelo ya gore go na le modimo a le mongwe kgotsa medingwana e le mentsi. Ka mo go kgethegileng, e ka nna ya raya tumelo mo Modimong, mo modingwaneng, kgotsa mo medingwaneng, yo o/e e tshwaregileng ka go tlhokomelo Lobopo. Modumela-modimong le ene a ka nna a ipolelela gore ga a na bosupi jo bo lekaneng jwa go “itse gore a Modimo kgotsa medimo e teng, le fa a dumela mo go yone ka tumelo.



Die siening dat daar een of meer gode of godinne is. Meer spesifiek kan dit ook die geloof in God, ʼn god of gode beteken, wat aktief betrokke is by die instandhouding van die Heelal. ʼn Teïs kan ook die standpunt inneem dat hy/sy nie genoegsame bewyse het om te “weet” of God of gode bestaan nie, alhoewel hy/sy dit deur geloof glo.



The philosophical school that followed in the legacy of Thomas Aquinas. The word comes from the name of its originator, whose summary work Summa Theologiae has arguably been second to only the Bible in importance to the Catholic Church.


Imiqondo yefilosofi eyalandela isibonelo sikaThomas Aquinas. Leli gama livela egameni lomsunguli walo, incwadi yakhe efingqiwe ethi Summa Theologiae okuye kwaphikiswana ngokuthi ingeyesibili kuphela ukusuka eBhayibhelini ngokubaluleka eSontweni LamaKatolika.



Sekolo sa filosofi se se latelelang dikgato tsa ga  Thomas Aquinas. Leina leno le tswa mo leineng la mong wa sone, yo buka  ya gagwe e e sobokantsweng ya setlhogo se se reng Summa Theologiae go nang le mabaka a a  botlhokwa mo Kerekeng ya Katoliki a go bo e le ya maemo a bobedi morago ga Baebele.



Die filosofiese skool in die tradisie van Thomas van Aquino. Die woord is afgelei van die naam Thomas, wie se grootse werk Summa Theologiae waarskynlik die tweede belangrikste werk, naas die Bybel, vir die Katolieke Kerk is.



A typology employed by political scientists to denote modern regimes in which the state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private behavior. Totalitarian regimes mobilize entire populations in support of the state and a political ideology, and do not tolerate activities by individuals or groups such as labor unions, churches and political parties that are not directed toward the state’s goals.


Ucwaningo lohlobo olusetshenziswa ngososayensi ukuchaza imibuso yesimanje lapho umbuso ulawula cishe zonke izici zomphakathi nezenzo zabantu zangasese. Umbuso wobushiqela ukhuthaza imiphakathi yonkana ukuba isekele umbuso nemiqondo yepolitiki, futhi awuzibekezeleli zabantu ngabanye noma zamaqembu anjengezinyunyane, amasonto nezinhlangano zepolitiki ezingahambisani nemigomo yombuso.



Kgopolo e e dirisiwang ke banetetshi ba sepolotiki go supa gore dipuso tsa segompieno tse mo go tsone di laolang mo e ka nnang karolo nngwe le nngwe ya botshwaro jwa setšhaba kgotsa ya motho ka bongwe. Dipusokgatelelo di bolotsa setšhaba sotlhe go tshegetsa puso le kgopolo ya sepolotiki, mme ga di itshokele ditiro tsa motho ka bongwe kgotsa tsa ditlhopha tse di jaaka mekgatlho e e lwelang ditshwanelo tsa badiri, dikereke le makoko a sepolotiki a mekgele ya one e sa amaneng le ya puso.



ʼn Tipologie wat deur politieke wetenskaplikes gebruik word om na moderne regimes te verwys waar die staat byna elke aspek van openbare en private gedrag reguleer. Totalitêre regimes mobiliseer hele bevolkings ter ondersteuning van die staat en ʼn politieke ideologie, en verdra nie aktiwiteite deur individue of groepe soos vakbonde, kerke en politieke partye wat nie op die staat se doelwitte gerig is nie.




Ukuba ngaphezu kwesimo esivamile esingokoqobo


Fetang tlwaelo






Ngaphezu kwesimo esivamile esingokoqobo


Feta tlwaelo





Immanuel Kant’s transcendental method is a critique of empiricism because, for Kant, there is an a priori faculty of knowledge that does not rely on experience. Although Kant uses the term ‘transcendental’ in numerous ways, of chief importance is this epistemological aspect of his critique which requires a non-empirical and objective principle for the synthesis of appearances.


Indlela ka-Immanuel Kant edlulela ngaphezu kwesimo esivamile ezingokoqobo iwukuhlaziywa kwe- empiricism ngoba, kuKant, kunomkhakha we-priori wolwazi ongaxhomekile ekubeni nesipiliyoni. Nakuba uKant esebenzisa igama elithi ‘ngaphezu kwesimo esivamile esingokoqobo’ ngezindlela eziningi, okubaluleke kakhulu yilesi sici se-epistemology sokuhlaziya kwakhe esidinga isimiso sokuba ngumuntu ongaqapheli izinto nongathonyeki kalula ngenjongo yokwakha indlela obonakala ngayo.


Fetang tlwaelegileng

Mokgwawa ga Immanuel Kant o o fetang o o tlwaelegileng o tshwaiwa diphoso ke ba ba dumelang bosupi jo bo tshwaregang, ka gonne mo go Kant, go na le kgopolo  ya ntlha-ntlha ya kitso e e sa ikaegang ka maitemogelo. Le fa Kant a dirisa lereo le le reng ‘feta tlwaelegileng’ ka ditsela di le mmalwa, sa botlhokwa bogolo ke karolo eno ya go tshwaiwa diphoso ga kitso ya gagwe go go sa tlhokeng maitemogelo le molaomotheo wa go tlhagelela.



Die transendentale metode van Immanuel Kant is ʼn kritiek op empirisme, want daar is vir Kant ʼn a priori-kapasiteit vir kennis wat nie op ervaring berus nie Alhoewel Kant die term ‘transendentaal’ op talle maniere gebruik, is hierdie epistemologiese aspek van sy kritiek van die grootste belang, wat ʼn nie-empiriese en objektiewe beginsel vereis vir die sintese van voorkoms.



The international, intellectual, and cultural movement supporting the use of new sciences and technologies to enhance human mental and physical abilities and aptitudes, and to ameliorate what it regards as undesirable and unnecessary aspects of the human condition, such as suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death. The term is often used as a synonym for human enhancement.


Inhlangano yomhlaba wonke, yezihlakaniphi, neyesiko-mpilo esekela ukusetshenziswa kwamasayensi amasha nobuchwepheshe ukuthuthukisa amakhono omuntu engqondo nawomzimba namakhono avamile, kanye nokuthuthukisa lokho ekubheka njengezici zesimo somuntu ezingafiseleki nezingadingekile, njengokuhlupheka, izifo, ukuguga, nokufa okuzikhethelanga khona. Leli gama livame ukusetshenziswa njengelifana nelithi ukuthuthukisa isintu.


Mokgatlho wa Tsweletsopele ya Dikgono tsa Batho

Mokgatlho wa boditšhabatšhaba, wa botlhalefi, wa setso o o tshegetsang tiriso ya disaense tse di ntšha le dithekenoloji go tsweletsa pele tlhaloganyo, dikgono le maikutlo a batho, le go fokotsa se e se lebang e le dikarolo tse di sa eletsegeng le tse di sa tlhokegeng tsa boemo jwa batho, jaaka go boga, bolwetse, go tsofala, le go swa pele ga nako. Gantsi lereo leno le dirisiwa jaaka lekaelagongwe la tsweletsopele ya dikgono tsa batho.



Die internasionale, intellektuele en kulturele beweging wat die gebruik van nuwe wetenskappe en tegnologieë ondersteun om menslike geestelike en fisieke vermoëns en aanlegte te verbeter, en om dit wat as ongewenste en onnodige aspekte van die menslike toestand beskou word, soos lyding, siekte, veroudering, en onwillekeurige dood, te versag. Die term word dikwels as ʼn sinoniem vir menslike verbetering gebruik.




Ifilosofi yokuthi imiqondo ethile isebenza endaweni yonke


Kgopolo e e dirang gotlhe





A theory of ethics that maintains that an act is moral if and only if it maximizes welfare. It is a form of consequentialism and welfarism.


Imfundiso yezimiso zokuziphatha egcizelela ukuthi isenzo silungile kuphela uma senza uyithole ngokugcwele inhlalakahle. Iwuhlobo lwe-consequentialism ne-welfarism.


Ditiro tse di tlisang boitumelo

Kgopolo ya ditsamaiso-sentle tse di gatelelang gore tiro nngwe e siame fa fela e godisa maemo a katlaatleloloago. Ke tiro e e atlholwang go ya ka ditlamorago tsa yone tse di siameng le bomolemo jwa yone.



ʼn Teorie van etiek wat beweer dat ʼn daad slegs moreel is indien dit welsyn maksimeer. Dit is ʼn vorm van konsekwentialisme en welsynisme.


virtue ethics

Virtue ethics is a broad term for theories that emphasize the role of character and virtue in moral philosophy rather than either doing one’s duty (as in deontology) or acting in order to bring about good consequences (as in utilitarianism).


Elithi virtue ethics yigama elibanzi lezimfundiso ezigcizelela indima yobuntu nobuhle kufilosofi yokuziphatha kunokuba nje umuntu enze lokho okungumsebenzi wakhe (njengaku-deontology) noma enzele ukuletha imiphumela emihle (njengaku-utilitarianism).


Ditsamaiso-sentle tse di siameng

Ditsamaiso-sentle tse di siameng ke lereo le le atlabetseng thata la dikgopolo tse di gatelelang thata seabe se semelo sa motho le boitshwaro jo bo siameng jwa gagwe jwa filosofi di nang le sone mo boemong jwa gore a diragatse boikarabelo jwa gagwe (jaaka jwa kgopolo ka se se siameng le se se sa siamang) kgotsa go tsaya kgato ya go lere matswela a a molemo (jaaka go atlhola ditlamorago fa di direga).



Deugde-etiek is ʼn breë term vir teorieë wat die rol van karakter en deug in morele filosofie beklemtoon eerder as om óf jou plig te doen (soos in deontologie) óf om so op te tree dat goeie gevolge meegebring word (soos in utilitarisme).




Uhlaziyo Yekugcindezelo Yabantu Besifazane Abamyama. Ihlikile Kune Feminism Ngibo Ibhekisisa Ingcindezelo Zababtu Abamnyana Besifazane Phambili.


Go lwela ditshwanelo tsa basadi




Continental philosophy

In general, it refers to a variety of Western philosophical schools of thought (e.g. phenomenology, existentialism, structuralism, and post-structuralism), which are essentially associated with countries of western Europe, e.g. Germany and France. This philosophical tradition is often occupied with metaphilosophy and asks broad and general questions. Continental philosophy is often posed against analytic philosophy based on approach and methodology.


Ngokuvamile, ibhekisela ezinhlotsheni ezihlukahlukene zemiqondo yefilosofi yaseNtshonalanga (isib. i-phenomenology, i-existentialism, i-structuralism, kanye ne-post-structuralism), ngokuyinhlobo ehlotshaniswa namazwe asentshonalanga yurophu, isib. iJalimane neFrance. Leli siko elingokwefilosofi ngokuvamile lisebenza nge-metaphilosophy futhi libuza imibuzo ebanzi kanye nevamile. I-continental philosophy ivame ukuqhathaniswa ne-analytic philosophy ngokusekelwe endleleni esetshenziswayo neyenziwa ngayo.


Filosofi ya dikgopolo-ntsi

Ka kakaretso, e raya dikgopolo tse di farologaneng tsa bafilosofi ba Dinaga Tsa Bophirima (s.k. Boithutaditiragalo, bogone, Setso, le go ganana setso), tse di amanang le dinaga tsa Yuropa Bophirima, s.k. Jeremane le Fora. Tlwaelo eno ya sefilosofi e amana le patlisiso ka filosofi mme mo go yone go bodiwa dipotso-kakaretso tse di atlabetseng thata. Filosofi ya dikgopolo-ntsi gantsi e bapisiwa le filosofi ya dipatlisiso e e theilweng go mokgwa o patlisiso eno e dirwang ka one.


Kontinentale filosofie

Oor die algemeen verwys dit na ʼn verskeidenheid Westerse filosofiese denkrigtings (bv. fenomenologie, eksistensialisme, strukturalisme en post-strukturalisme), wat in wese verband hou met lande in Wes-Europa, bv. Duitsland en Frankryk. Hierdie filosofiese tradisie is dikwels gemoeid met metafilosofie en vra breë en algemene vrae. Kontinentale filosofie word dikwels met analitiese filosofie gekontrasteer, op grond van benadering en metodologie.


Analytic philosophy

This philosophical tradition investigates narrow or more focused and practical philosophical problems (when compared to the focus of continental philosophy). Analytic philosophy is often posed against continental philosophy based on approach and methodology. Analytic philosophy is also known as the Anglo-American tradition.


Leli siko lefilosofi licwaninga izinkinga ezincane noma ezigxile kakhudlwana ezingokwefilosofi (lapho kuqhathaniswa nalokho i-continental philosophy egxile kukho). I-analytic philosophy ivame ukuqhathaniswa ne-continental philosophy ngokusekelwe endleleni esetshenziswayo neyenziwa ngayo. I-analytic philosophy ibuye yaziwe nangokuthi yi-Anglo-American tradition.


Filosofi ya dipatlisiso

Tlwaelo eno ya filosofi e dira dipatlisiso ka mathata a filosofi a mannye le a magolo thata (fa e bapisiwa le filosofi ya dikgopolo-ntsi). Filosofi ya dipatlisiso gantsi e bapisiwa le filosofi ya dikgopolo-ntsi e e theilweng go mokgwa o patlisiso eno e dirwang ka one. Filosofi ya dipatlisiso gape e bidiwa ngwao ya Maesemane le Maamerika.


Analitiese filosofie

Hierdie filosofiese tradisie ondersoek eng of meer gefokusde en praktiese filosofiese probleme (in vergelyking met die fokus van kontinentale filosofie). Analitiese filosofie word dikwels met kontinentale filosofie gekontrasteer, op grond van benadering en metodologie. Analitiese filosofie staan ook bekend as die Anglo-Amerikaanse tradisie.


African philosophy

The philosophical discourse produced in Africa or by indigenous Africans. The term Africana philosophy covers the philosophy made by African descendants, including African Americans. African philosophers are found in the various academic fields of present philosophy, such as metaphysics, epistemology, moral philosophy, and political philosophy.


 Inkulumo yefilosofi eyasungula e-Afrika noma ngabantu bomdabu base-Afrika. Igama elithi Africana philosophy likhava ifilosofi eyenziwa ngabantu abayinzalo yase-Afrika, kuhlanganisa namaMelikana ase-Afrika. Izazi zefilosofi zase-Afrika zitholakala emikhakheni yemfundo ehlukahlukene yefilosofi yamanje, njenge-metaphysics, i-epistemology, ifilosofi yokuziphatha, kanye nefilosofi yepolitiki.


Filosofi ya Aforika

Puo ya filosofi e e tlhagisitsweng mo Aforika kgotsa ke batho ba ba tlholegileng mo Aforika. Lereo la filosofi ya Seaforika le akaretsa filosofi e e dirilweng ke ditlogolwana tsa Maaforika, go akaretsa le Mmaamerika a Bantsho. Bafilosofi ba Aforika ba fitlhelwa mo dirutweng tse di farologaneng tsa akatemi tsa filosofi ya ga jaanong, e e jaaka fisika e e ka ga bogone jwa dilo, kgopolo ka kitso, filosofi ya boitsholo, le filosofi ya sepolotiki.



Die filosofiese diskoers geproduseer in Afrika of deur inheemse Afrikane. Die term Afrika-filosofie dek die filosofiese idees van Afrika-afstammelinge, insluitende Afro-Amerikaners. Afrika-filosowe figureer in die verskillende akademiese vakgebiede van die huidige filosofie, soos metafisika, epistemologie, morele filosofie en politieke filosofie.



Confucianism, a Western term that has no counterpart in Chinese, is a worldview, a social ethic, a political ideology, a scholarly tradition, and a way of life. Sometimes viewed as a philosophy and sometimes as a religion, Confucianism may be understood as an all-encompassing way of thinking and living that entails ancestor reverence and a profound human-centred religiousness.


Elithi Confucianism, igama laseNtshonalanga elingenalo igama elihambelana nalo ngesiShayina, eliyindlela yokucabanga ngokwepolitiki okubhekwa ngayo umhlaba, isimiso sokuziphatha kwezenhlalo, isiko lezifundiswa, nendlela yokuphila. Njengoba ngezinye izikhathi ibhekwa njengefilosofi futhi ngezinye izikhathi ibhekwa njengenkolo, i-confucianism ingase iqondwe njengendlela yokucabanga nokuphila ehlanganisa konke okuhlanganisa ukukhulekela amadlozi kanye nokukholwa okugxile kulowo muntu okhulekelwayo.


Moakanyo wa Setšhaena

Moakanyo wa Setšhaena, e leng lereo la Dinaga tsa Bophirima, le le senang lekaelagongwe la lone mo puong ya Setšhaena, ke pono ya lefatshe lotlhe, tsamaisosentle ya loago, kgopolo ya sepolotiki, tlwaelo ya go dira dipatlisiso, le tsela ya botshelo. Moakanyo wa Setšhaena o ka dinako tse dingwe o lejwang e e filosofi mme ka dinako tse dingwe o bo o lejwa e le bodumedi, o ka tlhaloganngwa e le tsela e e akaretsang mekgwa yotlhe ya go akanya le botshelo jwa go boifa bagologolwane le batho ba ba ineetseng thata mo bodumeding.



Confucianisme, ʼn Westerse term wat geen eweknie in Chinees het nie, is ʼn wêreldbeskouing, ʼn sosiale etiek, ʼn politieke ideologie, ʼn vakkundige tradisie en ʼn lewenswyse. Confucianisme word soms as ʼn filosofie en soms as ʼn godsdiens gereken, en kan beskou word as ʼn allesomvattende denk- en leefwyse wat voorvaderverering en ʼn diepgaande mensgesentreerde godsdienstigheid meebring.



A view that asserts that entities of a given kind are identical to, or are collections or combinations of, entities of another (often simpler or more basic) kind or that expressions denoting such entities are definable in terms of expressions denoting other entities.


Umbono ogcizelela ukuthi izinto zohlobo oluthile zifana, noma zingamaqoqo noma izihlanganisela zezinto zolunye uhlobo (ngokuvamile olulula kakhudlwana noma oluyisisekelo ngokuthe xaxa) noma ukuthi izikhulumo ezichaza lezo zinto zingachazwa ngamagama ezinkulumo ezichaza ezinye izinto.


Nolofatso ya kgopolo e e thata

Tumelo ya gore matlotlo a ditheo tsa mofuta o o rileng a tshwana le, kgotsa ke setlhopha kgotsa a kopane le, ditheo (tse gantsi di leng motlhofo thata kgotsa e le tsa motheo fela) tsa mofuta o mongwe kgotsa tse di bontshang ditheo tse di ntseng jalo di kgona go tlhalosega ka mafoko a mangwe a a lebisang go ditheo tse dingwe.



ʼn Siening wat aanvoer dat entiteite van ʼn gegewe soort identies is aan of versamelings of kombinasies is van entiteite van ʼn ander (dikwels eenvoudiger of meer basiese) soort, of dat uitdrukkings wat sodanige entiteite aandui, gedefinieer kan word in terme van uitdrukkings wat ander entiteite aandui.



Holism states that various systems (or organisations of things) should be considered in their entirety or as wholes, and not merely as a collection of different parts.


Elithi Holism lithi izimiso ezihlukahlukene (noma izinhlelo zezinto) kufanele zithathwe ngokubhekwa zonke izici zazo noma zisesimweni esiphelele, futhi hhayi nje njengeqoqo lezingxenye ezihlukahlukene.



Momagano e raya gore ditsamaiso tse di farologaneng (kgotas mekgatlho ya dilo) e tshwanetse go lejwa yotlhe ka gangwe fela kgotsa jaaka e e momaganeng, mme e seng fela jaaka e e kokoantsweng ka dikarolo tsa yone tse di farologaneng.



Holisme verklaar dat verskillende stelsels (of organisasies van dinge) in hul geheel of as gehele beskou moet word, en nie bloot as die som van hul onderdele nie.


environmental ethics

Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its non-human contents.


I-environmental ethics ngumkhakha wefilosofi ocwaninga ubudlelwane bokuziphatha kwabantu, kanye nokubaluleka nesimo sokuziphatha, semvelo kanye nezinto ezikuyo ezingebona abantu.


Ditsamaiso-sentle tsa Tikologo

Ditsamaiso-sentle tsa Tikologo ke serutwa sa filosofi sa go ithuta dikamano tsa boitsholo tsa batho, mmogo le boleng le boemo jwa boitsholo, tikologo le mafelo a yone a a senang batho.



Omgewingsetiek is die dissipline in filosofie wat die morele verhouding tussen mense en die omgewing en sy nie-menslike inhoud bestudeer, en ook die waarde en morele status daarvan.



The analysis of the geographic influences on power relationships in international relations.


Ukuhlaziywa kwendlela amathonya asezindaweni abantu abahlala kuzo athonya ngayo ubudlelwano babo nababusi ekusebenzelaneni kwamazwe omhlaba.


Baagi le bopolotiki jwa naga

Tshekatsheko ya ditlhotlheletso ya mafelobonno e nna le tlhotlheletso dikamano tsa boditšhabatšhaba.



Die ontleding van die geografiese invloede op magsverhoudinge in internasionale betrekkinge.


philosophy of mind

The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind (mental events, mental functions, mental properties and consciousness) and its relationship to the physical body.


Igatsha lefilosofi elicwaninga isimo somqondo (izinto ezenzeka engqondweni, imisebenzi esengqondweni, izici nezinto eziqashelwa yingqondo) kanye nobudlelwane obunawo nomzimba.


Filosofi ya Mogopolo

Lekala la filosofi la go ithuta ka fa mogopolo o ntseng ka gone (ditiragalo tsa tlhaloganyo, ditiro tsa tlhaloganyo, dipharologano tsa tlhaloganyo le go tlhagafala ga yone) le dikamano tsa yone le mmele wa nama.


filosofie van die gees

Die vertakking van filosofie wat die aard van die gees/verstand bestudeer (geestesgebeurtenisse, verstandelike funksies, verstandelike eienskappe en bewussyn), en die verhouding daarvan met die fisiese liggaam.



A philosophical perspective which holds that the efforts of humanity to find meaning or rational explanation in the universe ultimately fail (and, hence, are absurd) because no such meaning exists, at least to human beings.


Umbono wefilosofi ogcizelela ukuthi imizamo yesintu yokuthola injongo noma incazelo enengqondo endaweni yonke iyahluleka ekugcineni (futhi yingakho ingenangqondo) ngoba ayikho incazelo enjalo, okungenani kubantu.


Ga go dire tlhaloganyo

Pono ya filosofi e e dumelang gore maiteko a motho a go batla bokao kgotsa tlhalosa e e utlwalang sentle mo lobopong ga e nne gone (mme, ka ntlha ya moo, mme go dira jalo ga go dire tlhaloganyo.



ʼn Filosofiese perspektief wat meen dat die pogings van die mensdom om betekenis of rasionele verklaring in die heelal te vind uiteindelik misluk (en daarom absurd is) omdat daar geen sodanige betekenis bestaan nie – ten minste nie vir mense nie.



A theory that relates scientific method to philosophy by affirming that all beings and events in the universe (whatever their inherent character may be) are natural. Consequently, all knowledge of the universe falls within the pale of scientific investigation.


Imfundiso ehlobanisa indlela engokwesayensi nefilosofi ngokugcizelela ukuthi bonke abantu nezenzakalo endaweni yonke (kungakhathaliseki ukuthi banobuntu obunjani) kungokwemvelo. Ngenxa yalokho, lonke ulwazi olusendaweni yonke lutholakala ngocwaningo lwezesayensi.


Go dira ga dilo tsa tlhago

Kgopolo e e anelang mokgwa wa saense go filosofi ka go netefatsa gore ditshedi tsotlhe le ditiragalo mo lobopong (go sa kgathalesege boitshwaro jwa tsone jwa tlhago di ka) ke tsa tlhago. Ka ntlha ya moo, kitso yotlhe ya lobopo ke e saense e dirang patlisiso ka yone.



ʼn Teorie wat wetenskaplike metodes met filosofie in verband bring deur te bevestig dat alle wesens en gebeure in die heelal (ongeag hul inherente karakter) natuurlik is. Gevolglik val alle kennis van die heelal binne die bestek van wetenskaplike ondersoek.



The view that truth and falsity, right and wrong, standards of reasoning, and procedures of justification are products of differing conventions and frameworks of assessment and that their authority is confined to the context giving rise to them.


Umbono wokuthi iqiniso namanga, okulungile nokungalungile, izimiso zokucabanga, kanye nezinqubo zokunika izizathu zezento zethu, kungumphumela wezindlela ezihlukahlukene zokwenza izinto kanye nezinhlaka zokuhlaziya izinto futhi igunya lalokho ligcina kulokho okubangele ukuba kwenzeke.


Dilo di atlholega ka go bapisiwa le tse dingwe

Tumelo ya gore boammaaruri le maaka, tshiamo le go tlhoka tshiamo, ditekanyetso tsa go ntsha mabaka, mekgwatsamaiso ya tshiamiso le dikumo tsa ditlwaelo tse di sa tshwaneng le dithulaganyo tsa tlhatlhoba le gore taolo ya tsone e laolwa ke dilo tseo di tsenyang tirisong.



Die siening dat waarheid en valsheid, reg en verkeerd, standaarde van beredenering, en prosedures van regverdiging produkte van verskillende konvensies en beoordelingsraamwerke is en dat hul gesag beperk is tot die konteks wat daartoe aanleiding gee.


ethical relativism

The theory that morality is relative to the norms of one’s culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced.


Imfundiso yokuthi ukuziphatha kahle kuya ngemikhuba yesiko-mpilo lomuntu. Kusho ukuthi, ukuthi isenzo esithile silungile noma asilungile kuxhomeka emikhubeni yokuziphatha yomphakathi okwenziwa kuwo leso senzo.


Go atlhola go ya ka boitshwaro

Kgopolo ya gore boitsholo jwa gago bo tlhalosiwa go ya ka ditlwaelo tsa setso sa gaeno. Ke gore, gore a tiro e siame kgotsa ga e a siama go ikaegile ka mekgwa ya boitsholo jwa maloko a setšhaba ao mekgwa eo e dirwang mo gare ga sone.


etiese relativisme

Die teorie dat moraliteit relatief is tot die norme van ʼn mens se kultuur. Dit wil sê, die vraag of ʼn handeling reg of verkeerd is, hang af van die morele norme van die samelewing waarin dit uitgevoer word.



“As a method [of conversational philosophy], conversationalism is a formal procedure for assessing the relationships of opposed variables, in which thoughts are shuffled through disjunctive and conjunctive modes to constantly recreate fresh thesis and anti-thesis each time at a higher level of discourse, without the expectation of the synthesis” (Chimakonam, 2017:121).


 “Njengendlela [yefilosofi yokuxoxa], i-conversationalism iyindlela esemthethweni yokuhlola ubudlelwane bezinto ezisezinhlangothini ezimelene, lapho imiqondo yenziwa khona ibe yinhlakanhlaka ngezimo ezihlukanisayo nezihlanganisayo ukuze kulokhu kwakhiwa kabusha izinkulumo ezintsha nezinto ezimelene nezinkulumo isikhathi ngasinye lapho inkulumo isisezingeni eliphezulu, ngaphandle kokulindeleka kokuba iphinde yakhiwe” (Chimakonam, 2017:121).



“Jaaka mokgwa [wa filosofi ya puisano], bopuisano ke mokgwatsamaiso wa semmuso wa go tlhatlhoba dikamano tsa dipharologano tse di sa tshwaneng, tse mo go tsone go fetisiwa dikakanyo ka mafoko a e seng makopanyi le ka makopanyi  gore o tlhame kakanyotheo e e foreše o sa kgaotse le se e seng kakanyotheo nako le nako ka go tshwara motlotlo wa maemo a a kwa godimo, kwantle ga go lebelela tlhamo” (Chimakonam, 2017:121).



“As ʼn metode [van gespreksfilosofie] is konversationalisme ʼn formele prosedure vir die beoordeling van die verwantskappe van teenoorgestelde veranderlikes, waarin gedagtes deur disjunktiewe en konjunktiewe modusse geskommel word om voortdurend vars tesis en antitese te herskep, elke keer op ʼn hoër vlak van diskoers, sonder die verwagting van die sintese” (Chimakonam, 2017:121).



An ethical view that negatively values procreation. Antinatalists argue that humans should abstain from procreation because it is morally wrong (some also recognize the procreation of other sentient beings as problematic).


Umbono wokuziphatha okubheka kabi ukuzalana. Izishoshovu ezingama-antinatalists ziphikisa ngokuthi abantu kufanele bakugweme ukuzalana ngoba akulungile ngokokuziphatha (abantu babheka ukuzalwa kwabanye abantu abanemizwa njengokuyinkinga).


Boema-kgatlhanong le Tsalo

Mokgwa wa go leba tsalo ka tsela e e sa siamang. Batho ba ba lebang tsalo ka tsela e e sa siamang ba nganga gore batho ba tshwanetse ba tlogele go belega bana ka gonne ke boitshwaro jo bo sa siamang (ba bangwe ba leba go tsalo ya ditshedi tse dingwe le yone e le bothata).



ʼn Etiese siening wat voortplanting as iets negatiefs beskou. Antinataliste redeneer dat mense hulle moet onthou van voortplanting omdat dit moreel verkeerd is (sommige beskou ook die voortplanting van ander voelende wesens as problematies).